Little Black Dress

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Tobin woke up to an empty bed. She wasn't shocked, just mildly amused that Alex actually woke up before her. She usually slept like a baby, at least until Tobin made enough of a racket to wake her. Before Tobin got up, she spotted a note written on the hotel stationary.


I would've loved to get breakfast but I had to go get things ready for the rehearsal dinner. See you soon,


Tobin put the note down and sighed. Rehearsal dinner. She thought. For her wedding. She didn't exactly expect anything to have changed after their conversation, but that didn't mean she didn't want it to. She loved Alex. More than anything in the world, and she didn't think she could stand to watch her get married to someone else. Nevertheless she was here. Spending the week in a hotel room by herself so she could attend her best friend's wedding.

"Suck it up Tobin," she said to herself. While splayed out on her bed thinking about the wedding, she realized she still needed something to wear. She decided to go shopping downtown.

The dress store was a little to much for Tobin. She was overwhelmed and had no idea what she was looking for. She usually had Alex to help her with these things, or at least Lauren and Amy, but today she was completely alone. Tobin must have looked as lost as she felt, because within seconds, a voice behind her asked if she needed any help. Tobin turned around a nodded. The woman who looked like she was in her mid twenties dove in to the racks immediately. She first asked Tobin what she was looking for, and Tobin responded that she wanted something simple, but appropriate for a wedding. The woman seemed to understand Tobin completely, because every article of clothing she handed Tobin was exactly her style. When Tobin's hands were full, the woman lead her to the dressing room to try on her options.

Tobin out on dress after dress, but none of them were really sparking her interest. She was uncomfortable in them, which could have been partly attributed to the reason she was buying a dress. She was going to be uncomfortable enough watching Alex marry somebody else, and the attire was only adding to it. As her pile thinned, Tobin became doubtful that she would even attend the wedding at all. Then came the last dress. Simple and black, Tobin thought the final dress she had picked out was appropriate. She stepped out of the stall to look in the full length mirrors of the dressing room.

"That's the one," said the woman who had been assisting her, "You look amazing." Tobin grinned bashfully, informed the woman she would take it, and returned to the stall to change back into her clothes. Tobin opened the door, dress draped over her arm, expecting to find the woman helping another customer, yet there she still was. Gorgeous green eyes catching Tobin's attention. Tobin stepped closer to the woman, offering her thanks. She turned to head towards checkout.

"Wait," said the woman gripping Tobin's bicep, causing her to reverse directions again. "I didn't catch your name."

"Tobin." Said the midfielder with a small, lopsided smile.

"I'm Rachel." She said, returning the smile. Both women looked at each other for a moment. "Do you want to meet me sometime for drinks?" Rachel said tentatively. Tobin barely hesitated in accepting her offer and exchanging phone numbers, all while marveling at the beautiful woman in front of her. Rachel was slightly smaller than Tobin, rising to just below her nose. She had smooth, dark hair, cascading down her slender, tanned frame. Her face was not that of conventional beauty, with a thick brow and protruding nose, but there was something striking about her, and Tobin didn't want to look away. They made plans to meet later that night at a bar of Rachel's suggestion, and frankly, Tobin could not wait.

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