Chapter 7: James Diamond, Magazines, & Kiss?

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I woke up the next morning remembering that Christopher kissed me and I also ran into James Diamond. Oh! I forgot to tell Christopher that James wants to hang out today but I'm not sure if we are considered dating. 

I got a text from James this morning saying "Meet you next door at the cafe." I was a little confuse how James knows I'm staying at this hotel that's right next to the cafe. Questions will be asked later I was saying in my head as I was grabbing an outfit to wear. 

When I got to the cafe I saw James sitting at a table for two with two cups of coffee. "Hey!" I said waving from a distance. 

"Hey! please come sit." James said pointing to the chair a cross from him.

"How did you know I was right next door?" 

"Oh it was in a magazine." 

"Wait... what magazine?" I was in shock.

"Those magazines behind you." he said pointing to the rack behind me.

On the front cover of the magazines it shows a picture of Christopher Wild with a human shape that was black with a question mark in the middle. Which said "Christopher Wild has been spotted with a mystery girl, who could it be?" 

The magazine said some more descriptive things like the paparazzi can't figure out what I look like because Christopher was trying to keep are relationship in a down low and a secret. All they found out was that the mystery girl (me) was staying in the same hotel Christopher was in, but they can't find which hotel. 

"Are you okay?" James asks me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." 

"I'm guessing your in a relationship with that guy right?" 

"What? no!" But to be honest I was not sure.

"So then you don't mind if I do this."

"Do what?" I said confused.

James leans in for a kiss and before I knew it are lips we're touching each others. It felt wrong because I was not sure about the whole Christopher thing but at the same time it felt right. 

James was a lot more different from Christopher because he was not taking anything slow, he was ready to have fun and I guess he was kinda of a bad boy. As for Christopher he was more gentle, shy, and not as pushy. 

But I can't help how I feel and I think I like both of them which was obviously not good.

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