Chapter Thirty-Eight: House Fire

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Chapter 38: House Fire

Xander's POV

I glared at Ryder while he was talking to Jasper on the phone.

Once he got done he turned and saw me and groaned, "No, Xander, no. Please don't go back there."

"If you would've let me finish my sentence before taking that call from Jasper, you would of known that this would be the last time I go back to that place, but I mean I could just stay there until I turn eighteen. Your choice." I say, with a shrug.

He immediately shakes his head, "Alright fine, one day. If your not back by then, i'm coming to get you. No matter what."

I just smirk at him and climb under the covers. Ryder follows and pulls me to his chest. "I'm leaving soon,"

"You just had to ruin it didn't you?"

I turn and prop myself up on my arm, "You know your a very bitter person,"

A scowl makes its way on his face, "You might wanna leave now, because if not your staying here,"

I climb out of the bed and reach under the bed to get a bag that I had previously packed a couple nights ago. Because I wasn't really planning on telling Ryder that I was going back, but it slipped.

I sling the backpack on and went and opened the window. There was tree by Ryder's and it was perfect for climbing down. I swung one leg out the window and Ryder was right there and he bent down and kissed me. "Please come back, alive."

I glared at him and said, "Love you,"

"I love you, too,"

I swiftly climb down the tree and break out into a sprint. Once I get closer to the school I pull out my flashlight, and start taking the alleyways. It's ten times darker in an alley because there aren't normally lights. If there were I doubt they'd work.

I soon found myself by the drug store, which means I only have about a mile to go till I reach my house.

Lyle would be there and so would my dad. And he would try to beat me.

I knew the truth about why my dad didn't get that promotion, it's because Corrine Ash screwed her boss. And she calls me trash.

I reach my house and see that there are no lights on. Hes waiting in his recliner and Lyle is in her room, waiting.

I see my bike leaned up against the tree. I quickly go and check the tank and see that it's half full, plenty to get me back to Ryder's. My helmet and jacket were there as well. I would give Lyle the helmet, I would just have to take the risk.

I might've told Ryder a white lie, but i'm pretty sure he'd be okay with it. The reason I brought the bag was because I was grabbing some personal items. Hopefully Lyle was ready.

I grabbed my phone and quickly texted to Lyle, 'Are the cameras set up?'

She responded, 'Yes,'

I take my switchblade out of my bag and shove it in the back pocket of my jeans.

Enough was enough, it was a time to end the beatings and all ties with Barkley Miles no matter what.

* * *

I awoke to the smell of smoke, shaking, and screaming.

"Xander get up. I've got the cameras, we've gotta go," Lyle shouted.

I heard the fire alarm and felt the heat of fire. That's when I remembered, Barkley kept an extra gas tank for the grill. It was in the room next to kitchen, where the fire was the most ablaze.

I felt weak from the fight before. I was covered head to toe in blood, not all mine. I had my switchblade in a death grip, and a ringing in my ears.

"Lyle, the gas tank," I mutter as I pull myself up, with Lyle helping.

Her eyes widened and she dragged me out side to my bike. I quickly pulled the jacket on, while Lyle pulled the helmet on.

"I will find you, Xander, if it's the last thing I do," He screamed, at the top of his lungs.

And that's when the fire touched gas tank, and that house ruined my life blow up into pieces.

We were too close to the explosion that the force pushed as back to the road.

I screamed as I heard my arm break. I grunted as I forced myself up, I went to Lyle and saw that she was bleeding from the head, she was unconscious.

I took her phone from her pocket and called the only person I trusted with my sister.

"Vexter, get your ass to my house now. Lyle needs to be taken to the hospital. I can't take her, I have to leave her by the woods, it's across the street from our house that's now destroyed,"

Hes quick to respond, "Why do you have to leave her?"

"Its not just my dad I want to put behind bars."

I then hang the phone up, I quickly pulled Lyle behind a tree, tear off a piece of my shirt wrap it around her head, and lean her up against the tree, I kissed the top of her head.

I then left for back roads, where Stone killed my brother and where he should meet me. My life has been controlled ever since my sixth birthday, and tonight I'm taking it back. No matter what the cost is.

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