Chapter 2

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I flipped the safety off on my ray gun as the vehicle (which I could now see was a Firebird trans am) screeched to a halt a few yards away from where I sat on the hood of my car, hidden by a medium sized rock formation. Four colorfuly dressed figures burst from the Trans Am, ray guns at the ready, only to freeze in confusion.

"Where are all the dracs?" exclaimed the shortest of the four figures. He wore a dark green and yellow leather jacket, shoulder length black hair ruffling in the wind.

"I have no idea..." said the tall guy with a red jacket and blond hair. He had a motorcycle helmet under his arm, good luck scrawled across the visor. "Are you sure Dr. D said Zone 5?" another person asked, a glorious afro ringing his head. "Absolutely positive." the killjoy with bright red hair responded, leaning back inside the Trans Am to switch on the radio. The speakers came crackling to life, Dr. Death Defying's usual greeting blaring out. "Look alive sunshine. It seems as if the situation in Zone 5 has been covered by Moonlight Massacre herself, so there's no need to go rushing out there tumbleweeds." The red-haired one flicked off the radio. "Who the hell is Moonlight Massacre?"

I took this as my cue, and stepped forward. "That would be me."

They all whipped around to face me simultaneously. It was kind of hilarious. "Who are you and where did you come from?" growled the short one, pointing his ray gun at me. "As I just told you, I'm Moonlight Massacre, and I was here first. Who are you?"

The redhead stepped forward, placing a calming hand on his short companion's shoulder. "I'm Party Poison and this is Fun Ghoul," he said, gesturing to the short guy, "Jet Star," he pointed to the killjoy with the afro, "and Kobra Kid." he finished, introducing the one with the motorcycle helmet.

I smirked. "So this is the infamous Fabulous Four. Well, as wonderful as it was to meet you all, I best be on my way." I tried to stand, only to collapse to the ground again, groaning in pain. The Fabulous Four rushed to my side, kneeling in a circle around me. "What happened!?" Fun Ghoul cried. "I got shot in the leg during the fight. It's nothing major." I shrugged. "NOTHING MAJOR!" Ghoul yelled again, his eyes wide. "Calm yourself Ghoul," Jet Star admonished, "She will be fine. Can you stand?" he directed the question to me. "Don't you think if I could stand, then I would have left already?" I said as sassily as I could from my position on the ground. "I'll take that as a no. Party?" Party Poison nodded to Jet, before quickly but gently scooping me up into his arms. "Hey! Put me down!" I shrieked, struggling to free myself. I soon gave up though, realizing it was hopeless. In seconds we were all crammed in their car, except for Fun Ghoul, who was going to drive my car to their base.

"Crash my car and I will castrate you!" I yelled in his direction. He chuckled, shaking his head as he climbed into my front seat. My last thought before I fell asleep as the Trans Am began to move was "Ha, he thinks I'm kidding..."


Thanks for reading! I will not be able to update very often, because school sucks. Please comment and vote! I love you all! Thanks so much for giving my book a chance!

Keep Running!

Love, Ghost

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