Chapter 3

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When I woke up, Jet-Star was already done stitching my wound, and was putting away his equipment. Their base was a cliché 50s style diner, with black and white tile and red vinyl booths. "Can someone help her into a room so she can get some proper rest? It's getting kind of late."

To my surprise, Kobra Kid stepped forward. "Sure" He helped me out of the booth I was sitting in and slung my arm over his shoulder so I could hobble alongside him. Apparently he thought the pace was to slow, because after about four steps he just picked me up and carried me into a room. "You can stay in here with me." he said quietly, setting me down on the bed. I nodded, "Alright. Thank you."

He graced me with a small smile. "No problem. Now lets get some sleep." I agreed and began to get ready for bed. Removing my jacket was no problem, but when I bent over to unlace my boots, I jostled my wounded leg. I yelped quietly as white hot pain flooded my senses.

Kobra Kid looked up from taking off his own boots. "Your leg?" I nodded. "let me help." He knelt down in front of me and began to unlace my black combat boots.

After he got them off, he began to stand, but I put a hand on his arm to stop him. "Umm... Can you help me with my jeans?" I looked down, blushing furiously. He waited until I raised my head to speak. "Of course." He answered, smiling gently. "There is no need to be embarrassed. You're wounded, its not your fault."

He unbuttoned my skinny jeans for me, and proceeded to carefully slide them off my legs. Goosebumps erupting wherever his skin met mine, his touch was like fire. I took a second to study his face. The poker face that Kobra usually wore was replaced by a softer expression. Not quite smiling, but less composed then it usually was. His blond and brown hair was slicked back in its usual style, with the sides buzzed. The dark hazel eyes he shared with his brother stood out against his pale skin.

He was still staring at my legs, and I couldn't figure out why, until I looked down myself. Straight white lines were littered across my thighs, the pale scar tissue slightly faded in some places, while some looked no more than a month old. "We will talk about this tomorrow, after you have gotten some rest," he said gruffly, the poker face back in place. I nodded silently and laid down on the side of the bed closest to the wall.

I looked around the room we were in while he finished getting ready to sleep. The dusky glow of twilight bathed the walls in a golden light. The bed was in the corner, next to a small dresser and mirror. Across the room in the other corner, a broken radio sat on the floor, parts and tools scattered around it. Kobra pulled the blinds down over the window, darkening the room. I couldn't help but admire his toned figure as he climbed into the bed wearing nothing but sweatpants.

"Night Moonlight." he murmured. "Goodnight." I replied, drifting into a nightmare filled sleep.  


Thank you guys so much for being patient! I know I said I would update earlier but some stuff happened so.... Yeah. Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it and would be oh so grateful if you could comment. I want to know what you think of my writing. Updates should be closer together from now on!

Love, Ghost

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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