Chapter 5

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"Irene, gwenchana?? You stupid clumsy pabo!!" V scolded

"YAH!!! Im not a pabo!!" Irene shouted

"Well, its time to go honey" V replied and swooped Irene onto his shoulder

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!! Let me down" Irene yelled

V shrugged and left the cafe. He dragged Irene all the way home. She sat and pouted. He grabbed her and threw her in the house. 

"Yah!!" Irene spat

"Oh shut it!!! My mother is coming right now ok!!! We need to go shopping today!!" V said with a 'duh' tone

"Aigoo, how could i forget!!" Irene replied hitting her head

V shrugged. But Irene started to examine him. His lips looked swollen, he had a hickey, and his hair is messy. Irene thought about it. She almost cried because she knows why he looks like that. But she held in her tears. He looked at her.

"Are you going to cry??" V asked

"Aniyo, and how was work?? Anything new today??" Irene asked

"N-No, except having lunch with the boys, meeting my new secretary, and going to my fathers meeting" V replied

"New secretary??" Irene asked 

"Ne, and she's a very beautiful, talented, and smart woman" V replied dozing off

Irene's heart felt shattered. How could you not feel the same?? Irene thought. She almost cried but V was staring at her so she just smiled. V raised an eyebrow, and his mother came.

"K-Kaja, your mother is here" Irene said looking down to avoid V's gaze

"N-Ne... kaja" V replied walking first

Mrs.Kim came to greet them. She hugged them both and got into the car. V sat in the back seat with Irene. He sat on the left seat and he thought Irene was going to sit in the middle to be next to him, but she sat on the right side of the car in the backseat. V pouted and frowned. Wait why am I like this?? V thought. Irene stared out the window. She sighed as Mrs.Kim finally got to the shop.

"Ok kids, go in and get your stuff, I've already set up reservations" Mrs.Kim said

"Arasso, Omma" irene replied and bowed

V rolled his eyes and dragged her inside the shop. She shook her wrist from his grip and looked around for the counter lady. Then a woman in her 50's came.

"Mr. and Mrs.Kim, its an honor to meet you both, please come this way" The Ajumma said 

She took us to the changing rooms. Irene and V were pushed into one changing room. They looked at each other and turned away. Irene started to change first and V changed last.

"Irene, the dress looks perfect on you" V said smiling 

"Kamsamida, V-si" Irene replied looking away

"Aish, ok tell me why you are mad at me?? What did I ever do??" V asked

"What did you ever do?? WHAT DID YOU EVER DO???!!! Are you really asking that?" Irene shouted

"Uh, yea, So tell me???" V spat

"Aniyo, you don't need to know" Irene replied 

She headed for the door but V shut it tight. She tried pushing him but ended up falling into his arms. He rolled his eyes and lifted her up. She felt embarrassed. They went out the door and Mrs.Kim was waiting for them.

"Omo, Irene-si, you look beautiful" Mrs.Kim complimented almost crying

"Kamsamida" Irene replied bowing

"Taehyung-ah, you look handsome" Mrs.Kim also said hugging him

"Kamsamida Omma" V thanked

"Arasso that will be $400 total" The Ajumma said

Mrs.Kim told V and irene to change while she paid. V went in first and irene followed.  She started to take off her dress. But the zipper was stuck. As she struggled V was in his regular clothes.

"Tae-Taehyung-si" Irene stuttered

"Ne, Irene" V asked looking at her

"Can you help me with my zipper" Irene chuckled putting a fake smile

"Aish" V replied 

He unzipped it softly, trying to not break it. Irene took it off and put the dress in the bag. V started blushing and looking away. Irene was flustered with embarrassment. She put her clothes on and headed out the door. Mrs.Kim waited and they drove back home.

"Bye Omma, See you" Irene said waving 

"Bye Irene, Bye Tae" Mrs.Kim replied leaving

"Irene, I'm having some guest over, don't bother" V coldly said

"A-Arasso" Irene replied stuttering

She was scared yes. She didn't want to be killed like last time. She was in the kitchen, while she heard doors open and close. She shrugged as she watched T.V. But she got a little curious and opened V's room. She can't believe what she saw. Clothes on the floor and a sleeping naked girl in V and Irene's bed. Irene had tears coming out of her eyes.

"What the hell are you doing in here!!" Someone said angrily 

"Tae-taehyung" irene stuttered crying

"GET OUT!!!!" He yelled and dragged her to the guest room

"V, Mianhe, I didn't mean to"Irene said

"Shut up irene, you weren't supposed to see that, and yeah I'm cheating on you, but you know what?? I don't f***ing care what you think, your crying because you wish that was you huh?? Well, that aint going to happen because I hate you" V shouted into her face

He slammed the door and left. Irene sat there and started to cry. She knew that her life was getting much worst.

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