Chapter 12

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As Irene and Jin rushed to the hospital, Taehyung went home. It was already 6:00. He curiously wondered where Irene went. He looked around the house and searched the bathroom. He shrugged it off then started to walk off until he heard something drop. He looked on the floor, and there was a pregnancy test. His eyes widened. N-No!! It can't be!! He picked it up and shockingly read. Positive. He dropped it onto the floor with his eyes tearing up. 

~Mean while at the hospital~

Jin and Irene waited in the office. She nervously walked up to the counter, putting the paper work on the desk. The nurse took it and led them into the room. Irene laid down on the bed and Jin sat on a chair holding her hand.

"You ready?" Jin asked 

"I-Im a little nervous!!" Irene stuttered 

"It's ok. Your baby will be healthy and beautiful" Jin replied smiling

"Gamsamida, Jin Oppa" Irene said smiling back

The Doctor came into the room. He smiled warmly at us with his wrinkled eyes. He took out a clipboard and started to jot down the information. 

"So, It looks to me here that your pregnant. Is this the husband?" The doctor asked 

"ANIYO!!!" Jin and Irene shouted together

"We are just friends!!" Irene said smiling

"Oh, Mianhe, So who's the father?" The doctor asked

"It's her husband, Kim Taehyung" Jin replied 

"Ok, well today we have to check the gender right?" The doctor asked

"Ne" Irene smiled 

"Nervous right?" The doctor chuckled

"Yea, she's super nervous" Jin laughed 

"Yah!!" Irene scolded and smacked him

"OUCH!!!" Jin shouted

"Shhh, the baby is moving" The doctor shushed them

The doctor grabbed the gel and rubbed it over Irene's tummy. He then took the little thingy (I don't know what it is!! Lmao) and started to spread the gel everywhere. He looked at the scanner and it showed the baby. He then checked it.

"So.... is it a girl? Boy?" Irene asked curiously

"Its a girl!" The doctor cheered

"OMG!!! CONGRAGULATIONS IRENE!!" Jin shouted happliy

"J-Jin! Im so happy!!" Irene cried happily 

"Now, please be careful of the baby ok. And no smoking, drinking, or eating any unhealthy foods" The doctor said

"I won't!! Thank you so much!!" Irene said bowing

"Its ok, now you be careful dear" The doctor replied 

Jin and Irene left the room. Jin helped Irene get into the car, being extra cautious of the baby. Irene chuckled slightly. Jin smiled and began to drive to their house. Taehyung waited patiently. He was furious. He couldn't stand it anymore. He wanted- No he demanded to know who the father is. Jin parked and let Irene hurry into the house. She waved good bye as Jin drove off.

"KIM IRENE!!!" Taehyung shouted

"T-Tae?" Irene stuttered

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!??" Taehyung yelled 

"Taehyung!! Calm down!!!" Irene said loudly 

"No!!! Tell me why your pregnant!!! And didn't even say anything to me!!" Taehyung scolded

"W-What... you know??" Irene shockingly asked

"YES!!! I'm your freakin husband!!! Was I not supposed to know???!! Who's the father Irene!!??" Taehyung screamed

"A-Aniyo!!! I can't say it!!" Irene stuttered 

"TELL ME WHO THE FUCK HE IS!!" Taehyung yelled and shook Irene over and over again

"ANIYO!!!" Irene shouted crying

"TELL ME!!!" Taehyung angrily scolded 

"I'LL NEVER TELL YOU WHO HE IS!!! I CAN'T!!" Irene said loudly with tears

"YOU WON'T??? FINE THEN!!!" Taehyung shouted back

He harshly grabbed Irene and dragged her to the living room. He threw her onto the couch and raised his hand in the air. Irene started to cry as Taehyung swung his hand, aiming for Irene's stomach.


Taehyung angrily yelled and swung his hand. Irene closed her eyes, ready for him to swing. But she felt little wet droplets hit her skin. She looked up to see Taehyung crying. She quickly embraced him in a warm hug. Taehyung started to cry into her shoulder. Irene caressed his back gently.

"Shhh. It's ok Tae" Irene said crying

"Irene... Mianhe.... I could've hurt our child" Taehyung cried 

"She will always love you, even if you hurt her" Irene smiled 

"I-Its a girl!!??" Taehyung said happily 

"Ne" Irene replied 

"IT'S A GIRL!! MY  BABY GIRL!!" Taehyung shouted and kissed Irene's tummy 

(A/N yes for millions of weeks I finally get a chance to update. I'm sorry I'm so slow. Been busy with school and all!! xD. But I did this for you viewers out there!! Your welcome!!)

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