~2~-Love Drama -

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The sound of my alarm clock buzzing echoed through the room. I open my heavy droopy eyes, I really didn't want to get up,but you know school exists. I give a groan of misery before getting out of my bed.I walk to my bathroom and do the normal morning routine, shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, and straighten my hair. I grab a protein bar and head off to school, which is a walking distance from my home.

Hansol, that name repeated in my mind so many times . I tried many times to speak to him, but he would put his face down and walk away as if he was ashamed to speak to me.

I thought after the first day we would be friends, but it's been a week now and he hasn't talked to me since day one. I don't know why it angered me so much that he won't talk to m , but it did, and it just gave me deep pain in my chest.

I finally arrived at school,  I could see Xero from a distance, he was the perfect person to distract me from all these Hansol thoughts. I sneak up behind Xero, and surprise hug him from the back.

"Hey Xero!"

"Oh hey B-joo." Xero replied in his usually calm reaction.

Ah the nickname B-joo, Xero nicknamed me B-joo because apparently my name is too long, Hojoon started calling me B-joo too.

I let go of the hug, because I felt watched, I look around, but I see no one staring at me. That's strange I guess it was nothing.

Xero and I met up with Hojoon. Hojoon has a crush on Xero, and he is the shy one in the group. It was probably the most adorable thing in the world to hear him rabble on about Xero, but when Xero was physically near him he was completely silent.

Xero and I chatted while Hojoon listened. Of course the bell interrupted our conversation. Xero and I waved bye to Hojoon as we both walked to homeroom. I get a shiver down my spine, that same feeling of someone watching me came back. I look back again, no one ,that's odd. I walk into homeroom and I was immediately approached by this guy.

"Ah Byungjoo is your name right?Well I'm Se Hyuk Park, but people just call me P-goon." The guy said kindly

"Yes I'm Byungjoo, it's nice to me meet you."

Xero was staring at P-goon weird, and just grabbed me by the hood of my hoodie and dragged me away.


"What I did I do?" I asked in confusion

"Don't mess with P-goon that's the principals son we are talking about, he is spoiled he gets what he wants even if it means hurting you." Xero whispered

I was astonished, the guy seemed kind and it doesn't look like he would hurt anyone. This is the first time I ignored what Xero told me to do, P-goon didn't seem as horrible as he described him and having more friends are nice. I talked to Xero all of homeroom  because I knew if I talked to P-goon he would of feel betrayed. The homeroom bell rang, and I quickly ran to P-goon we happen to both have P.E class so I got to talk to him.

"Hey P-goon !" I greeted

"Oh hey Byungjoo!" P-goon responded

"P-goon I wanted to ask, do you know anything about a boy named Hansol Kim?"

I'm just curious if I can get any info, about him and maybe something about him ignoring me.

He looked at me a little surprised,and his face went a little sad.

"I don't want to talk about him." P-goon mumbled quietly

It seems that no one really likes talking about Hansol. We finally got to the PE field.

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