~7~ "Bisexual hoe?"

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We are throwing it back to our boy B-joo's POV

My relationship with Sehee has become way closer. I thought Sehee was gonna be really mean like her brother , but she was really nice and we have alot of things in common. In a way she reminds me of Hansol. It's a weird thing to think. She is soft and shy like him. I feel like I'm actually fallen for her , but I always remember that I made a promise with Hansol. I gave him the ring , meaning I gave my love and trust to him. I don't want to ruin our relationship ,but Sehee makes me feel the same way I feel with Hansol.
I look at the calendar in my room and I have month till that dance , a month! Agh crazy! I look at my clock and I realize I'm running late , so I slap some clothes on and get to school. Classes always went by as normal and finally my favorite period came , lunch.

I walk through the hall with Sehee , pretending to be her boyfriend and giving my poor boyfriend Hansol apologetic glances. Xero and Jenissi sat with Sehee and I. I felt empathy  for Hojoon ,as he felt extremely uncomfortable sitting in the same table as us. I hope Hojoon is okay, I should probably see him after school.  I looked at Sehee and admired her beautiful features she is defiantly a pretty girl, I kind of want this month to last longer.

Lunch ended , I had to suffer the last 2 periods of school , and now school is over and I can finally go find Hojoon and Hansol.I felt really bad for leaving them out because of Sehee.I looked everywhere to find Hansol and Hojoon, I ended up only finding Hojoon. He looked horrible , he was sobbing ,face pale and soaked with tears. He was sitting on the asphalt in front of the school leaning on the wall with his arms wrapping around his knees. How can I let my friend get to this state I'm horrible person.

"Hojoon!?" I exclaimed

He looked at me with his puffy eyes. I sit next to him and allow his head to be on my lap so I can comfort him.

"Hojoon what's wrong?"

"Why does everyone chose to break my heart?" Hojoon asks quietly

"Hojoon is this about Xero again ?"

Hojoon fidgets from just hearing his name.

"No, another guy that I've fallen for." Hojoon murmured

I was dumbfounded , I didn't even know my best friend had an another love interest.

"Who is this guy?I will fight him!"

"He is so handsome...with his cute little ears that stuck out a little bit and his handsome looking appearance. I was fool to think he didn't have a boyfriend." Hojoon rambled

"Hojoon who is this guy?" I ask

"This guy...my love Sangdo." Hojoon mumbled

Poor Hojoon , to think my poor friend is  dealing with so many heartbreaks makes me sad, but I really can't do anything about his love life, but I could make him feel happier.
I decided I should cheer Hojoon up and I bought Hojoon some food and chocolate , stayed with him at his house watching movies. I imagine this what guys do with their girlfriend when they're on their period or something.

Hojoon had fallen asleep while watching a movie. I carried him , he was very light, into his bedroom and tucked inside his bed. Well my job as good friend was done. As I was about to leave the room..

"Byungjooooooo" Hojoon says

Fuck .

"Don't leave me , sleep beside me I don't wanna be alone." He whines

"Hojoon I need to go h-"

Hojoon stands up and grabs my hand and drags me into his bed. He grips 0nto me like kindergartener who doesn't wanna leave their parents on their first day of school. I was trapped by the Hojoon. I sigh and pat Hojoon's head, then seconds later I fell asleep.

I wake up to Hojoon's phone going off. I thought it was his school alarm at first , but it's Saturday today . He wouldn't have a school alarm on. Hojoon wakes up and quickly grabs the phone.

"Shit, shit , shit.." Hojoon mumbles

He answer the what I think is a call.
Hojoon faces the phone towards him , ah he is receiving a FaceTime.

"Hi Sangdo." Hojoon mummers

I look at him and shock. Oh no.

"Hey baby boy did you just wake up ." Sangdo's says seductively

I chock on my own spit , keep in mind I'm still in the same bed as him , so I literally can't move or make a sound without Sangdo noticing. I have feeling Sangdo would misinterpret what went down , if you know what I mean.

"Don't Baby boy me , I saw you with principals son guy." Hojoon yelled

My eyes widen, I was in shook, P-goon that lizard , he probably threatened that poor Sangdo guy.

"Hojoon baby , you don't understand Sehyuk mas- Park is litteraly blackmailing me." Sangdo responds

"Sangdo no bullshit we are through ." Hojoon says as he hangs up with Sangdo

"What an asshole, right?" Hojoon says

I stare at Hojoon with wide eyes, should I tell him or should I not.

"Hojoon I heard that P-goon is blackmailing a lot of people , I would recommend talking to Sangdo and stuff."

"If you know P-goon is a 'blackmailing' a lot of people , then why are you dating his sister"

I remained silent, if P-goon found out that I told someone about what happened , he would ruin my life.

"Thought so Byungjoo, don't be a lying hoe just to make me reunite with my douchebag ex."

LONG TIME NO SEE MY READERS. Like so sorry for such a long HIATUS , Highschool is so time consuming. I'm on winter break so I've been trying to write. I cannot guarantee a consistent chapter upload sadly but I'm try my hardest to post as much content as possible. My biggest apology I feel so bad I wanna give you guys at least weekly content , but I can't :(

Anyways can we talk about all da drama !!
B-joo has feelings for Sehee :O

Hojoon had Sangdo as his boyfriend :OOO

We discover Hojoon is litteraly the cutest bean in existence , like cuddly and all dragging B-joo to sleep next to him because he feels lonely because he thinks Sangdo is cheating.

P-goon being such a lizard smh. He having Sangdo as a sex slave or some shit. p-goon needa chill with his I'm a p(rincipal son) goon and I will threaten your existence SmH

moRe queStion NEeD to Be AnSweRed !!

Like WhERe the fUCk his Hansol?? is he okay ?? He better be taking his meDiCation !!

Anyways see you guys next time there is a chapter !! Let's pray that I post one soon ;D
Comment and share and stuff
Also  let's try to get all my chapters at least 30 votes!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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