~5~ Sehee

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I couldn't sleep , I turned on my lights and walked up to my mirror , who I see in the reflection looks like a complete mess. My faded beach blond hair was all over the place,and my lips they felt num. It made me remember the pairs of lips that have touched it this past week, especially Hansol's lips. I'm exhausted , but despite that I had to go to school, I give a loud sigh. I look at my toothbrush and straighter , and stuck my middle finger at those objects , fuck my tooth brush and straightener I'm going to school with messed up hair and unbrushed teeth. I threw on a sweater and sweatpants and walked to school. I put my hood on and tried my best to hide from Xero ,since he would drag me into homeroom with him and I wanted to ditch homeroom today because of P-goon.

"B-Joo?" Xero's voice spoke


"WOW! Xero how are you?" I blurted out

Oh no how do I get out of this?

"I'm great.... B-joo are you okay??"
"I told Hansol to get you food! Did you eat ??" Xero asked in concern.

With out any thought I mumbled out.

"ImgreatImfinegottogotothebathroomhahabye!" I said very quickly and ran off.

Xero didn't run after me surprisingly, and the bathroom was the perfect place to hide from P-goon.I step into the bathroom and then the homeroom bell rang. I'm officially safe for 20 minutes. I stared at the bathroom mirror , staring at mirrors really have become a habit of mine. My appearance was such a disaster, I wish at least brushed my teeth. Staring at myself I became oblivious of my surroundings , I was so oblivious I didn't notice the presence standing behind me. I broke out of this mirror trance I was in, to finally see the other boy reflected in the mirror.

Hansol , Hansol Kim.

He has changed his appearance , he has dyed his hair a dark brown, it suited him really nicely, he looked very adorable to me. The kiss flashed back into my mind, I bit my lip and then I spoke.


We both stared at each other awkwardly.We confessed are love to each other , but why does it feel so awkward between us.

"Byungjoo I-I wanted to confess something." Hansol stuttered out

How did he know I went to the bathroom it baffled my mind a bit,but that was the least of the concern, he was going to confess something. What if he hate me? What if he didn't mean the kiss? What if he told me that he loved me as a joke?

"Byungjoo I know that you got yourself in the situation with P-goon and now you have date his sister and shit ,but Byungjoo I want to be yours and I don't want her to take you away from me." Hansol confessed

My heart started beating really fast.We weren't even boyfriends yet ,and he is already worried that I'm gonna cheat on him. I approach Hansol , and I slid off my ring that I always wore and never took off , and I slid it on Hansol's finger. That ring has a lot of meaning to me , my father gave it to my mother when he asked my mother to be his girlfriend , and I'm giving it Hansol because I want him to be my boyfriend.
Hansol looks at me a little confused.

"Hansol I'm giving you this ring because you're my boyfriend , and everytime you look at that ring you're reminded that I love you and that you're mine."

Hansol was about to say something , but was interrupted by the bell. I grab Hansol's hand and walked to P.E , I'm going to try to make are relationship lowkey as possible. The day went bye quickly , I masterfully avoided P-goon most of the day , and I made a believable accuse to Xero why I wasn't in homeroom. He seemed suspicious , but he didn't seem to care. Why do I feel like Xero hooked me up with Hansol , when he told him to bring food , like isn't that like suspicious that he didn't send Hojoon or Jenissi. I better not overthink things. The day has finally finished and I was walking out of the school , then I felt a hand grab my hand. It was P-goon .FUCK! He started dragging me to the restroom.

"You look like a mess , I had a feeling you would look like a mess so I brought stuff to fix you up before you meet my sister." P-goon said

He took out , toothpaste , straighter, body spray and nice clothes out of his backpack. I had totally forgot that I was meeting his sister today. P-goon started putting toothpaste on a toothbrush and stuffed the toothbrush in my mouth. He forcibly started brushing my teeth , like I'm a 5 year old child who doesn't know how brush teeth or something. I took the toothbrush out of P-goon's hand and spit out the tooth paste.

"I know how to brush my teeth ."

"Oh really ? I wasn't sure because you looked like a trash today , I didn't think you even knew what hygiene is."

Even with P-goon's annoying bickering , I got cleaned up and I guess ready to meet P-goon's sister. P-goon dragged me out of bathroom , and into the front of school . P-goon points to girl sitting on the bench. I couldn't tell how she looked like yet .

"If you hurt her , emotionally,mentally , or physically , I will have to end up hurting you in all three of those forms." P-goon whispered in my ear

I approach the girl , she was looking down at her phone so I decided to tap her on the shoulder. I immediately recognized her. It was the girl who help me after P-goon beat me up, bought me a taxi ,and gave me her business card for the café her mom owns.

"Taxi girl ?!" I said in shock

She looked shocked as well.

"Hurt boy ?!" she responded in shock

We had stared at each other in awkward silence for about 10 seconds.

"Oh my , I'm so sorry if my brother forced you into having a relationship with me , Wait , I'm so sorry I didn't even introduce myself I'm Sehee Park , and I know I have a lot to explain." Sehee splurted out interrupting the awkward silence.

"It's okay I got time , explain." I responded

I sit down next to Sehee ready to here the explanation she is about to give.

"I have heard your new to this school so you might not know,but the soft mores every year have this party , and if you don't have a boyfriend you can't go. So I asked my brother to help me get a boy who would pretend to be my boyfriend the school year to make the relationship believable. I honestly didn't think he would force someone to do this I'm really sorry I really didn't mean to get you in this , you know you don't have to even date me I could just ask-" Sehee explained

I don't what got to me , but I kind of felt bad for Sehee. She genuinely seems nice , and plus if I didn't date her I would 100% get beat
(A.N :the beat ;))), honestly I should go burn in fandom hell )
by P-goon , and I'm not about Xero finding out that I got involved with P-goon or having any fractured limbs.

"It's fine , I'll pretend to be your boyfriend "

She stared at me a little shocked , she apologized a million times . Looks like I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend now.
GUYS I'M LIKE SOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ;^; I'm like the worst author ever and sorry if there is grammar mistakes , I didn't double check since I really wanted to post a chapter as soon as possible.

Everyone was expecting Sehee to be a bitch or something :') haha Lolz ,fooled you guys, please love me ❤️

QOTD: I'm gonna change the POV next chapter whose POV do you want it in?? Hansol? Sehee? Maybe even P-goon or Hojoon !

AOTD: honestly I would be interested doing any POV it really depends on what character do you want to get to know better.

|| if you don't know already POV , stand for Point of view ||

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