⭐️; one

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"Youngjae! Hurry up your breakfast is getting cold!"

An exasperated groan was heard, before a mop of brown hair emerged from white bed sheets.

The owner of said hair let out a huge yawn and rubbed his eyes, pulling off his covers. He sat up in his bed and took a quick glance at his alarm clock.

8:51am it read.

The boy had a look of disbelief on his face. It was the first day of his summer break, and he had planned to spend his morning sleeping in and then getting up at around 11 or 12.

So much for that plan.

He finally managed to separate himself from his comfortable bed and stand up. He looked down at his bed, pondering on whether he should tidy it or not. He decided to do the latter and shrugged it off, making his way towards the bathroom.

Eventually he got there, with a few stumbles and bumping into doors. (The boy was still sleepy, you can't blame him). He stepped inside and locked the door behind him, positioning himself in front of the large mirror.

Youngjae was greeted with his own face. A pair of small, yet bright dark brown eyes. A mess of chocolate brown hair upon his head and a little mole underneath his right eye. His nose was short and cute (according to his mother), and lips were pink and plush.

"Congratulations Choi Youngjae, you made it through another whole year of highschool and you're still alive! Just a little bit left to go." He cheered to himself through the reflection, sarcasm evident in his words.

He kept staring at his reflection in the reflective glass, noticing the slight droop in his eyes and the dryness on his lips. His thoughts began to wander for a bit.

"Choi Youngjae, for goodness sake, hurry up!!"

The boy flinched at his mother's painfully loud yelling and quickly proceeded to freshen himself up for the day.

- - -

Im Jaebum flinched when he felt something soft graze against his left cheek. His eyes shot open and he tilted his head to see what it was.

It was only his cat. A pretty Siamese with sparkling blue eyes and perky ears. Her name was Nora and she was Jaebum's favourite thing in the whole world.

He's had her since he was just a little kid and he's fell in love ever since. He likes lots of animals actually, cats just happen to be his favourite.

"Morning girl," He muttered softly, stroking one of her ears. She let out a soft meow in reply and made her way to the edge of the bed, jumping off.

Jaebum sat up in his bed, reaching over to his nightstand and picking up his phone. He quickly switched it on, and checked the time.

It was already 12:23pm.

Man did he sleep in a lot. He wasn't surprised that his parents didn't wake him either, it would've taken up too much of their time and they both had places they needed to be.

It was the first day of summer break anyway, so Jaebum was glad he could sleep in as much as he did.

He let out a soft yawn, before kicking off his sheets and getting off of his bed. A quick glance at his bed and he decided to do it up before he headed to the bathroom. It looked like a mess.

About a few minutes later, he stepped back, satisfied with his work and he headed towards the bathroom, ready to start his day.

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