⭐️; seven

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It was about noon when Jaebum woke up, and he woke up to the lovely sound of his phone ringing. The repetitive tune making his head ache and his ears sore.

He let out huge yawn before rolling over and reaching for his phone, picking it up and squinting at the screen.

Jinyoung. The name read.

He blinked in surprise at his friend's name, and quickly swiped the screen to answer the call.

"Yah! Jaebum, what took you so long? I called you like 10 times!" Jinyoung's loud voice rang in his ears.

Jaebum groaned and rolled onto his back, "You woke me up Jinyoung, what did you want?" He asks, clearly still sleepy.

"Okay so, Mark and I planned to hang out today, I'm not sure if Jackson's still planning to come along or not but we're going to see that new movie that just came out. I know you've been talking about it so I asked Mark if you could come too," Jinyoung exclaimed, his tone filled with excitement.

Jaebum sighed, he didn't exactly want to be a third wheel to Jinyoung and Mark, and he couldn't say no either. Jinyoung's known Jaebum for almost all his life, the two've been friends for who knows how long. Of course Jinyoung would know that Jaebum practically has no life during summer break, so he'd have to come along. He just really hoped Jackson would come so he'd at least have someone to properly talk to.

The thought of inviting Youngjae crossed his mind, but the idea left as quickly as it came.

He remembered Youngjae telling him yesterday that he was going to his sister's place for the day. 

Jaebum inwardly sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Only if Jackson's coming," He muttered, already sounding exhausted.


The day had gone extremely quickly for Youngjae and Jaebum alike.

Youngjae had the best time playing with his nephew at his sister's place, while Jaebum managed to get through a movie while third wheeling with Mark and Jinyoung.

Jackson ended up not coming with them, he said he had a date.

Lie or not, Jinyoung believed him and so Jaebum had found himself at the movie theatre, trailing behind two lovesick puppies.

Youngjae only sent a text once or twice for the whole day. Jaebum thought that he was probably just enjoying himself too much.

The thought made him smile.

But the day was now long over and the sky turned to ripples of deep gold and crimson, mixed in with indigo, violet and rosy hues. Youngjae just managed to make out the first star of the night, looking as pretty as ever.

The rest of his day was spent gazing at the stars and eating food while responding to texts from Jaebum.

- - -

*The next day*

Youngjae shot straight out of bed at 10am. forcing himself out of the comfy sheets and hastily throwing around the covers in an effort to do up his bed.

His phone was picked up and switched on. He double checked the date, and his heart began to race.

Today was the day.

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