Chapter 4: The Real Thing

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"Come on! Come on! You piece of -" I yelled at the telly before I was interrupted by Harry slapping a large hand over my mouth to keep me from swearing.

I didn't pull away from his touch though. I kept my mind focused on the game of Mario Kart I was playing against Harry, Liam and Anna. Natalie sat beside me cheering Anna and I on while Niall, Louis and Zayn cheered on Harry and Liam. I bit my lip and leaned forward as Yoshi, my chosen avatar, made its way over the finish line first. Jumping up, I chest bumped with Natalie which wasn't a smart idea as we both fell back onto the couch laughing, hugging our chests as we waited for the pain to dissipate.

"I won! I won! I won!" I chanted as I got back up and did my very pathetic victory dance around the room.

"I came in third!" Anna jumped up and down.

"Not fair, how do you do that? I always win!" Harry exclaimed.

"You do when you play against these losers," I laughed as I gestured towards the other four boys.

"Hey! I'll have you know that I am good at video games!" Niall shouted at me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, but I'm great," I smirked and skipped out of the room and into the kitchen. Or what I thought was supposed to be the kitchen. We were in Harry's flat and I haven't ever stepped foot in any room except for the living room, so it doesn't surprise me when I find myself in a bathroom. I just shrug my shoulders and try the next door. Bingo! Tea, here I come!

I look through the cabinets until I find a tea mug and some tea packages. I pick a random tea and set it on the counter while I wait for my water to heat up.

"Mind if I make a cup as well?" Harry asked as he walked through the door.

"It's your place, why are you asking me?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Good point," he smiled. I couldn't help but smile at the dimples that had formed when he smiled like that.

"So tell me, what is your secret?" Harry asked as he reached up into the cabinet beside my head for a mug.

"W-what secret?" I stuttered. Shit, what did Harry know?

"How'd you get so good at playing Mario Kart?" he smiled again.

"Oh, I used to play it with my dad for hours on end when my parents came to visit. My mom used to get so mad at us because that's all we'd ever do, but really it was all we ever needed," I replied softly, a gentle smile played on my lips as I remembered those visits.

"Do your parents not visit anymore now that you moved to LA?" he asked sounding kind of confused.

"Uh, no they don't," I admitted.

"Why is that?" he pressed on.

"I don't like talking about it," I replied as I pulled the whistling kettle off of the stove. I poured my cup of tea and went to leave but Harry grabbed onto my arm preventing me from doing so. I looked back over my shoulder and straight into Harry's piercing green eyes. I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

"I'm a good listener," was all he said.

I nodded my head and pulled my lower lip in between my teeth. Harry let go of his grip on my arm and turned to pour his cup of tea. I took this time to leave him alone in the kitchen and join the others in the living room.

Sitting down beside Natalie again, I realized what I had just done. I let something slip out that I wasn't supposed to. What is wrong with me? I'm usually better at this. Why can't I just push Harry away like I've done to every other guy that has tried to be a part of my life?

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