Chapter 1 ♡

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My name is Lydia Anne Styles and I am 16 years old. I have very long brown curly hair (obviously got it from Harry), and blue eyes ( Being the younger sister to a member of one of the biggest boy bands ever is difficult at times. I live at home with my mother and my stepdad Robin in Holmes Chapel. My older sister Gemma is at University so I am like an only child at home.

Growing up Harry was my rock. We were as close as any siblings could be with our age gap of 3 years. Also, being two of the youngest we had a lot of things in common. We could tell each other anything, give each other advice, and just overall be someone to listen or a shoulder to cry on. He acts almost like a father figure to me with his "over-protectiveness" because I am his "baby" sister, so when he made it on X Factor it was like a part of me was just sort of taken away. It isn't like we don't talk at all ( we call each other at least once a day) or see each other (skype calls at least once a week), but it just isn't the same. I still miss him like crazy. So once they were in LA doing then last bit of their American tour and were working in the studio he decided to fly me out to see him. I was excited to see him but scared because it is my first time flying alone.

I woke up really early because I couldn't sleep at all. I got up, dressed, did my hair ( and I was ready to head to the airport. Once I got checked in and found my gate I went to get a coffee to get me through the wait until we boarded. The flight was massively long (11 hours) and I couldn't sleep at all. I guess the coffee had worked better than I thought it would.

I was extememly happy when we finally landed. Once I got off of the plane I was escorted by one of the security guards to the car that was going to bring me to the hotel the boys were at. I seriously could not contain my excitement. I got my phone out of my backpack and turned it on to see that all of my friends had bombarded me with questions and reminding me to take plenty of pictures with the boys. ( they are all huge fangirls and insisted that I kept them updated).

The car finally pulled up to the back of the hotel. I stepped out and grabbed my bags. Once I turned around the first thing I saw saw Harry making his way out of the hotels back door with the boys. I instantly ran to see him with tears in my eyes. I jumped up and he gave me a big hug. After a minute or two he put me down.

"Don't cry love", he said wiping the tears from my cheeks, "I missed you Lyd"

"Oh my goodness I missed you too Haz", I choked out trying to hold back anymore tears. I am usually not the kind of person to cry exspecially in front of Harry and the boys, but I just couldn't hold it in. I was just so relieved to see him again.

The boys came around and gave me hugs too.

"We missed you Lydia" they all said hugging me.

"Welcome back bud", Louis said with a wink messing up my hair. Me and Louis have always had a special relationship. He was like another brother to me and we were super close.

"Well we should get inside it is getting a little cold" Harry said putting his arm around me, grabbing my bags.

We all agreed and made our way into the back doors of the hotel. The boys led me up to my room (which was amazing! then left me and Harry alone so we could do some catching up. As I put my clothes away we talked about how he was doing and the stuff going on at home like school and stuff. The stuff going on at home wasn't even close to being as interesting as what Harry has been up to but he always seemed to listen and was always interested.

After I got my stuff all unpacked Harry went back to hang out woth the boys while I showered and got ready for diner that night.

I got out of the shower, left my hair natural, and put on this:

After I was done getting ready I went down to the boys room to see them. Once they were all ready we went back to the back exit of the hotel and into a big SUV to go to dinner. I sat in between Harry and Louis in the back and Liam, Zayn, and Niall sat in the seats facing us. We laughed and joked until we got out of the car want walked into the resturant. We ate at an italian resturant and then went back to the hotel to relax. Liam came up with the idea of having a movie night so we all gathered around the TV to watch it. Me, Harry, and Liam sat on the couch and the other boys sat on the floor facing the TV. I was feeling very jetlaged so I only ended up watching some of the movie until I fell asleep with my head in Harry's lap.

Sorry if it is kind of short! This is my first fan fic so please leave feedback! ♡

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