Chapter 3 ♡

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When I woke up the next morning Harry had gone back to their room. I remembered that they had a recording session today so he had probably gone to get ready for that. I got dressed and put on this: ( and headed down to their room. When I got down there they just getting ready to leave. 

"Perfect timing babe!", said Louis opening up the door for me, "Come on in, sorry were not ready yet, we all kind of slept in this morning".

When I walked into their room Louis seemed to be the only one that was ready to go (weird I know!). And sure enough all the other boys were scrambling around getting dressed and fixing their hair. They looked so foolish I couldn't help but to laugh.  I took  a seat on one of their couches with Louis for a little bit and we talked. Because him and Harry are bestfriends we have become really close, he is like a brother to me. We just chatted about stuff at home and some other stuff  until all of the boys seemed to be ready. 

We headed down to the lobby and into a black car where Lou and Paul were waiting. There were fans everywhere outside. I had never really been in a situation like this other than when I went shopping in New York when the boys played MSG. Even then there wasn't nearly as many fans as there was now.  The boys seemed pretty used to it so it kind of made me feel better. I remember Harry saying that he never wanted me to be exposed to the fans like that, but I guess it had to happen at some point. They continued to bang on the car windows and crowding around the car so it was difficult to leave the hotel. We hadn't ate breakfast yet so Niall was "dying of starvation". Everyone just laughed and started a conversation to kind of make the time go by faster. Eventually security was able to clear the fans out of the way enough for us to get out of the parking lot and on our way. Once we got on the road we stopped at a Starbucks to get us all coffee and breakfast. The boys told us what they wanted and me and Lou went inside to order (we didn't want to start any more chaos this morning). 

Once we got breakfast we continued our way to the studio where the boys would finish recording some of the songs on the 'Midnight Memories' record (which is soo* good!![:). For most of the ride I checked my twitter and called my mum. I had a lot* of twitter mentions because I hadn't checked it since I was on the plane, so I spent the rest of the ride scrolling through those. I came across one that Harry mentioned me in with a picture of us cuddled up last night while I was asleep 'Sis came to visit. Love her(: @Lydia_Stylesxx'. I favorited it and Harrys' phone went off. He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back and all of the boys "awh'd". We all continued on talking and laughing until we got to the recording studio. 

When we got there we went up to their room and they started to record their parts. I sat with Lou outside of the recording booth and listened for awhile. We spent time with some of the boys while the others were recording their parts. It was really cool to kind of get to see a 'behind the scenes' at their album and to see all of their hard work that they put into it. It ended up being a really long day at the studio. We got there at 10:30 and we didn't end up leaving at 6:00! I didn't mind though because the boys were very entertaining! After they were done they were all beyond exhausted so we just went through the drive-through at in-&-out burger for dinner. By the time we got back to the hotel all of the boys were completely passed out. I had Harry's head on my lap and Zayn's head rested on my shoulder. It was actually pretty adorable (: We woke them all up and they went to their room. They all said their tired/ half asleep good-byes and I went up to my room. 

When I got up to my room I just put on some comfy clothes and watched some movies on Netflix. (I love movies!).  

Thanks for reading! Please leave any feedback and please follow!(: ♡

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