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I kept running until I crashed into someone.
I, am so sorry" I stutterd picking up a folder, I looked up to see it was Leon.
"Hi jarred what wrong you look upset" he said taking the two short steps closer to me.
" nothing I am fine" I said wiping a few tears from underneath my eyes.

Leon put his hand on my cheek and said in a deep flat voice "I hate seeing you cry, so please tell me whats wrong so I can beat the shit out of them for you like I used to do when we were kid's " as Leon spoke he stroked my cheek and slowly moved his hand downward until his hand was behind my neck. Leon put his forehead against mine, the tip of my nose was touching his.

I fought back the butterfly's in my stomach as I spoke
"Linda turned me down" I spoke fast to get it over with,
" what why did she turn you down" Leon said in a ringing voice.
" I don't know" I shrugged
" I don't care that your lying to me. Because she turned you down I can have you all to myself." Leons voice was husky, I looked into his Hazel eyes to see that they sparked with mischief, Leon quickly moved closer to me and pressed his lips against mine, fire seemed to spread inside me as I kissed him back, he pulled at my neck forcing me to deepen the kiss making my stomach to somersaults.

I broke of the kiss, both of us were breathing hard, Leon wraps his arms round my waist and clings to me possesivly as I try to move away, he nuzzles my neck before I hear his husky voice quietly in my ear" I love you so much cutie" leon nuzzles me again, my whole body gets struck with shock I hug him back to try and get warmth back into me but nothing helps, "I should at least say it back" I say in my head "dont be a wimp say it back" I demand to myself.
" I love you to my angel" I say back nervously
" why am I your angel" Leon leans back to look at my face
"because you u,u,u saved me by giving me a reason to fight"I say looking away
"Jarred" leons replys sternly, putting his hands on my cheeks roughly firceing me to look him in the eye " if I am your reason to please I beg of you fight him I will be by your side every step of the way"Leons voice was taunt but his eyes showed he cared.

"Ok" i stomped my foot on the ground to try and seem as if I was confident, but on the inside I am terrified I have never hit my dad and I never will he would kill me if I did, the confidence left me as flash back begun.

Flash back
10 years ago

"JARRED, JARRED" a young boys voice wailed in the night.
I ran down stairs calling for my brother "JOSH"I heard his sobbing in the kitchen I ran in there to see my younger brother's body curled over a corps I stepped closer to see her face her and her pale skin,her bright blond hair that matched my colour was covered in blood that came from a large opening on her neck blood still pooled out of going down under her, I stepped closer tears ran down my face I crouched down by my brother and said in a wobbly voice " mummy has joned grandpa know "I held mums hand in one of mine and realised she is holding a pice of paper i read it out loud.

"My two beautiful sons I am sorry I HAD TO DO THIS, your father wanted to hurt the both of you badly because mami was silly and hit dady back so mummy had to do this or he would have killd you. I love you both dearly I will protect you both from heaven know I promise and please my dears throw this letter away so dady doesn't see it. Xxx"

The Truth Behind HIS Closed Doors.(completed)Where stories live. Discover now