Chapter Four

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The instant we stepped through her front door, Cassie was rummaging through my stuff to find my phone. I giggled at her antics, bending to unplug it from the charger. Typing in the new contact, I sent out my first message.

'Me: Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...'

Barely thirty seconds later, he responded.

'Tom: Test successful. You may proceed.'

"Oh, he's nice and funny!" Cassie squealed. I smiled.

'Me: Warning- Best friend watching over shoulder.'

"Emma, you blew my cover! You're so rude!"

'Tom: Hello, Cassie.'

"What? How does he know my name?"

'Me: Congrats on terrifying her. You've accomplished in five minutes what I haven't done in five years!'

'Tom: Congrats on making me laugh. You've accomplished in an hour what my friends haven't done in a month.'

My cheeks darkened. "Cassie, don't comment. I'm going to bed."

"Me? Comment on how sweet your soulmate is? Never!" The sarcasm dripping from her voice was nearly tangible. "Good night, Emma. Happy birthday."

'Me: Cassie's commentary was distracting, so I told her I was going to sleep.'

'Tom: Do you want to ask questions, so we can get to know each other?'

'Me: Sure. What's your full name?'

'Tom: Somehow I knew that'd be your first question. I'm really hoping this doesn't change anything.'

'Me: What do you mean?'

'Tom: My full name is Thomas William Hiddleston.'

'Me: You're joking, right? There's no way you're telling the truth...'

'Tom: I wouldn't lie about my name to you. Are you okay?'

'Me: I will be. Just give me a bit to process it.'

'Tom: I have plans tomorrow, so I should probably get to sleep anyway. I'll talk to you tomorrow.'

'Me: Okay. Good night.'

'Tom: Good night, Emma.'

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