Moving out

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Indie's dream room ideas⬆️⬆️
India's P.O.V.
When we got back to the children's home Zoe signed the papers and gave me a huge hug before saying she had to go and would see me in the morning.

I dragged my big suitcase that Zoe had bought me up the stairs and set it on my bed. I pulled out my 2 smaller suitcases and set them on my bed too.

In the big one, I put all my clothes and my now empty school bag, I put my coat in it and ran downstairs and grabbed any clean washing from the airer. I put my fluffy dressing gown in, but I leave out a pair of pyjamas. I didn't currently have any dirty clothes so that was my big suitcase packed. I zipped it up and stuck a post-it-note on it labelled 'Clothes'.

In the first of my smaller suitcases I put all my shoes.

And in the second I put all my keepsakes and accessories. I took my makeup bag, my hairbrush and my framed photo of my parents holding me at birth in there. Then I went to my cork board and took all the old letters and timetables and threw them in the bin. I took my calendar down and put that in there as well. Then I went to the wall by my bed and took down all of the hundreds of pictures that I had stuck up there. There was a selfie of me and Betty, a picture of me and all of the kids at the care home, a picture of my parents on there wedding day, a selfie of me and Issy, a selfie taken on my selfie stick of me and all my friends, an arty photo that Issy took of me blowing bubbles in a flowery meadow we'd found last summer. A mirror selfie of me and Issy taken in the toilets when we went to the cinema for her birthday and a picture of me and my parents taken the morning of the day they died.
They were going on holiday and leaving me with my friend Caitlin and her mum for the week. They got in the car and drove away.
It's amazing how one stupid person's actions can change someone's life so much. Whether it's a bully at school, or a drunk driver on the wrong side of the road.
I still see Caitlin now, we're not as close as we used to be but she is still there for me, like she was when she held me whilst I cried in year 4 when someone said my parents deserved to die. Crap, I need to text her and say what's going on! Actually, nah, I'll just FaceTime her. I set up my phone on my dressing table and waited for her to answer.

Caitlin: Hey!
Me: Hey!
Caitlin: Why are you packing all your stuff up?
Me: Because-
Caitlin: (gasps) Have you? Have you been adopted?!?!
Me: Yeah I have.
I sit down on my bed and smile at her.
Caitlin: But?
Me: But what?
Caitlin: There's a but I know there is!
Me: Oh right, they're from Brighton.
Caitlin: Oh.
Her face drops and I want to cry.
Me: I'll miss you so much, but we'll still FaceTime and text and call!
Caitlin: Have you told Issy?
Me: Yeah but her mums company wanted her to switch to there Brighton office anyway so we'll still see each other.
Caitlin: Oh right.
Caitlin: I'll miss you Indie
Me: Yeah me too, but I'll come back and visit, all the time!
Caitlin: I know, when do you go?
Me: Tomorrow.
Caitlin: Can I come and visit when you're settled?
Me: Yeah of course!
Caitlin: Ok I've got to go, my tea is ready.
Me: Ok bye!
Caitlin: Bye!
We end the call and I zip up my final suitcase.
I lug it onto the floor and take a look around what was my room for 10 years.
I'm gonna miss this place.
Ooh she's moving out, what's Betty going to do without her?
So she's all packed and ready to go, which room is she going to pick?
Find out in the next chapter of Adopted by Zoella!

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