Odd Happenings

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Ezra entered the cockpit of the Ghost. As soon as he did, the lights dimmed and the ship shuddered.

"Whoa," Hera said, steadying the controls.

"What's up?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know," Hera replied, checking a monitor. "Seems like something is interfering with the system. I've never seen anything like this before."

"Are there any imperials around?" Ezra asked.

"I doubt it," Hera said. "Besides, we're in hyperspace. There's not a lot they could do to us."

"Is there anything I can do to help? I'm feeling useless just sitting around in the back," Ezra admitted.

"Not at the moment. How about you get some rest? I'm sure you're feeling tired," Hera suggested.

"Not really," Ezra told her. Hera glanced over her shoulder at him.

"You haven't slept for three days," she told him bluntly.

"I haven't felt tired," Ezra said.

"Get some sleep. That's an order," Hera commanded. Ezra shrugged and went to the room he shared with Zeb.

He hadn't felt tired ever since he reunited with the crew. At first he thought it was because he had been sleeping for a while. Then he realized that he had never gone that long without sleep. Usually, he took advantage of getting sleep every moment he could.

He laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Sleep refused to come to him.

"I'm not even tired," Ezra said to himself. He closed his eyes and tried to force himself to relax. In his mind, he imagined a distant world. It had blue water, green trees and grass, snowy mountains and sandy beaches. Strange creatures wandered the forests. Ezra's mind eye chose one of them to focus on. It had a long body, a snout, pointed ears, padded feet, a bushy tail, gray fur, and blue eyes. Ezra wondered what it was. He had never heard of a creature like it. The closest he had ever seen was a Lothcat.

Ezra began to feel funny all over. His skin felt tingly. He opened his eyes, wondering what the strange sensation was. Everything smelled strange and Ezra could hear unusual sounds. He lifted his hands so that he could see them.

They weren't his hands. Instead they were paws, covered with pale blue fur and with black claws. He screamed, jerked to the side, and rolled out of the bed and onto the floor.


As soon as Ezra left the cockpit, the Ghost stabilized. Hera double-checked the monitor. Nothing appeared to be out of order.

"Strange," Hera commented to herself. Kanan entered the cockpit.

"What happened?" he asked.

"When Ezra entered the cockpit, everything went haywire for a moment," Hera explained. "Now that he's gone, it's all back to normal."

"Weird," Kanan said. "Where is Ezra?"

"I sent him to get some sleep. He hasn't slept in three days," Hera said.

"I'm not sure what's up with him. He's been acting a bit weird for a while," Kanan said.

They both jumped as they heard Ezra scream from somewhere deeper in the ship. They ran to the room he shared with Zeb.

Ezra was on the ground, covering his eyes with his hands. He appeared to be fine.

"What is it? What happened?" Kanan asked. Ezra pulled his hands away from his face. He turned them over, as if expecting to see something horrible.

"I had fur!" Ezra gasped. "Blue fur! And black claws! My hands were paws!"

"It was just a dream," Hera said soothingly. "This is why I told you to get some sleep."

"No, it was real. I know it was!" Ezra told them.

"Go back to sleep," Hera said. "There's nothing to worry about."

Ezra nodded doubtfully and climbed back into his bed. Hera and Kanan left the room.

"I'm not sure what's wrong with him," Hera said.

"Nothing's wrong with him," Kanan told her.

"There is something wrong with him," Hera replied. "I think he might be sick."

"Sick?" Kanan repeated. "Don't be ridiculous! He just needs some rest, that's all."

"Don't push him too hard," Hera said, turning and heading back towards the cockpit. Kanan glanced back at the door before going to his own room. He needed time to think.

When Hera was sure that Kanan had gone back in his room, she left the cockpit and went back into Ezra and Zeb's room. Ezra was on his bed, breathing softly. She slowly walked closer. She was sure that Ezra was sick, even if Kanan was bent on denying it. She walked closer until she was right next to the bed. She brushed a hand against Ezra's forehead, checking his temperature. It didn't feel abnormally hot or cold. She checked his pulse. She couldn't feel anything.

With an odd feeling in her stomach, Hera opened Ezra's jacket. She gasped and put her hands to her mouth, but Ezra didn't wake up.

A dark circle was directly above Ezra's heart. It was a blaster mark. It had to be. But if it was, how was Ezra still alive? It wasn't possible.

Ezra Bridger was dead. And he probably had been ever since the attack on the tower.

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