Chpter -1

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"Are you sure about this?" when Claire didn't reply her mother added,

"I mean all three of you, living together, in an unknown place."

"Mom..." She sighed and folded her arms over her chest.

"Bradford isn't that far and we aren't kids any more, we can't live in this dinky town." Her mother Katherine frowned and gave Claire a shaking smile. Claire had put her mother in a dilemma.

"And by the way I'm leaving tomorrow, and today I'm free, so... how about we spend the day, happily like watching movies and just chilling?"

"Mom... I think you should stop worrying so much" Claire watched Katherine as she walked through into her room.

"Indeed. But Claire you're my only child" she replied and frowned at the thought of her only child leaving her.

"You're only 18 and you're going to be living in an unknown place with just 2 friends." She whispered to herself.

As much as Katherine didn't want to admit it was true all of them were really young and too stupid to be living all alone.

"Mom I think I should start putting these suitcases into the car and don't worry I'll call as often as I can. Ok?" Claire than kissed her mom's forehead. They both said their goodbyes and Claire left for Bradford.


Claire's P.O.V.

As soon as I left my home , I went to pick Saba. According to the plan Saba and I would be going together as Harry didn't want to travel with GIRLS. When I reached her home I was shocked to see that she was still saying her goodbeys. She wiped off the tears on her sister's face. Awwe... Saba than entered the car.

"Hey !!" I said as she sat at the passenger seat.

"Sup?" , "Ummm let me see, the sky is up , the stars-" "OK , OK" ..

The ride was quiet awkward and filled with silence until after sometime I turned on the radio and we both started screaming the lyrics to each and every song we knew. Haha just how we are , actually music can change a person's mood to such an extent ... it's actually unbelieveble.. Oh well..

I somehow found Harry on one of the streets of Bradford , we all then started looking for the place where we're going to be living. It's not that I wan't excited but ... the thing is all of us are so young , none of us has experinced living alone , only I knew how to cook , Saba was born here , but thenn her family moved away after she truned 6 and then she and Harry are both really close to their families , it's not like I'm not but Saba and Harry they can't even imagine how their lives would be without their family.


I jumped on my bed as soon as I opened the door of my room , god I really need to grow up mentally. Haha.

Saba's P.O.V.

God this house is big and reminds me of my Aunt Anne , her house was quiet the same thing. I still remmeber when I used to live here , I would go to her every Friday. We would watch movies , bake and paint. A tear slid down my face as I rememeber all those beautiful days of my life. Gosh I'm such a baby... I saw Harry carrying our suitcases and decided to help him. He seemed to be so quiet. Hmm. Actually both of us are quiet no one's speaking. Well I guess it's weird for both of us as we're not used to this.But Claire OMG that girl is crazy. I can't belive that as we just stepped into this place she started running around and looked for her room. She was so excited.

After we all took out our stuff and decorated our rooms , I decieded to go out for a walk. It was like 01:30 PM and so the streets were really empty as everyone was at their school or work. WORK. Oh that reminds me we all need to look for a job. Hmmm . I think I'll try to work at a Cafe . After sometime I saw a guy walking right ahead of me.

"Zayn!!" I heard a girl screaming. The guy in front of me turned around and bumped into me.

"Oh I'm sorry." , "It's ok" he replied with a smile. I continued walking for like 20 more minutes.

I entered into my room and smiled to myself , my mom was perfect! I loved it! It was pale purple color carpeted , white color bed and furniture and the wallpaper was pink. I opened my phone and had three new unread messages. 2 were from Mom and 1 was from my friend , Luke.

He texted me to call him , so I called him.

"Hey Luke , everything alright? "

"That's what I was gonna ask you! , oh well how are you all and how's Claire , is she alright ? Was your journey safe? Or have you guys not reached home yet?"

"Woah , calm down , we're all fine. Just a bit not so happy , it feels a bit weird and.. Empty. But I'm sure we will be ok. "

"Ok... I just hope you all are fine . "

"We are!! "

"Ok , that's all I wanted to know , oh well I gotta go now , bye ! "

"Bye "

I went out and saw Claire lying on the couch watching T.V. I decided to sit right next to her.

"I'm bored" she said as she moved her legs to herself , leaving me some space to sit.

"Me too , where's Harry though? "

"He's out , I think he doesn't like it here."

"I think he's mad at me...."

"What?!? Why?? " Claire asked with a frown.

"I honestly don't know why. He hasn't talked to me since we've come here , I did try talking to him but I felt like he was trying to avoid talking"

"Aww , I think it's cause he's missing Gemma!"

"Yeah I hope it's just because of that."

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