Chapter -2

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Previously :

"I think he's mad at me...."

"What?!? Why?? " Claire asked with a frown.

"I honestly don't know why. He hasn't talked to me since we've come here , I did try talking to him but I felt like he was trying to avoid talking"

"Aww , I think it's cause he's missing Gemma!"

"Yeah I hope it's just because of that."


Suddenly Harry opened the door , holding Two boxes , he had a huge smile on his face , he looked happy and that made me happy.

"Hey girls."

"Hey Harry , what's in that box though? "

"Oh um pizza , I thought we all are hungry so yeah"

"Aww , hehe" Claire got up to bring the plates , I got off the couch to help her but then Harry caught my wrist , I turned around.

"Hey umm I'm sorry for you know kinda ignoring you earlier, I hope it's ok? " omg so was Harry really apologizing to me , haha

"It's ok " he smirked and let go of my wrist.

We all sat on the table , the pizza was unbelievably amazing. I couldn't stop eating. After sometime I felt tired and so went to sleep after cleaning the table and washing the plates.

Harry P.O.V.

I woke up by the annoying sound of my alarm. I was really , really tired. God knows why. I somehow managed to fight the feeling of sleeping more and got ready. Claire and I planned to go to the cinema together. We both were really excited to see this new movie "Catching Fire" . We both are crazy about Hunger Games and so yeah we both can't wait anymore to watch it. I knocked on Claire's door.

"Come in !, Oh Harry? Wait I will be back in three minutes ."

She was making some kind of hairstyle , god this girl , I can bet even if a zombie apocalypse broke out she would still , put on some make up , do her hairstyle and THEN move her lazy butt to run away.

I noticed that Saba was still sleeping ...Saba won't wake up until some throws their shoe on her face or so... And the weirdest thing she can sleep anywhere. Like even in a desert , all she'd need is a blanket.

Claire finally came out of her room , even though it took her a long time to get ready , she still looked so elegant and simple and cute! She wore a white colour dress with a few beads and stuff like that on it. We both had our breakfast without Saba , I really wanted to wake her up but then I thought she might probably have nothing to do so what's the use .

Claire and I left the building and drove towards the cinema.

Saba's P.O.V.

I woke up and realized that Claire and Harry were gone by now , I got up , took a shower.

I was getting bored so I decided to watch T.V . Nothing interesting , I murmured to myself. I then went our for a walk . God I love walking. Once again I saw Zayn , I guess that's what his name was , he was coming out of a car and then he started walking in my direction.

"Hey ! "

"Umm hi" I said as I looked up at his face , he had dark brown eyes , short hair and amazing cheek bones.

"Ah you look really unfamiliar , are you new here? "

"Yeah um actually me and my friends just moved her yesterday"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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