Gray Covland: 1

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In the end nothing is perfect. There is always a little chunk of stone someone forgot to sand, and then because of that it falls apart in a wild state and its gone forever. But, in a way, everything is perfect.

It's perfect because of the fact it's not. Nothing is.


School always started when you least expected it. You stay up late every night before and why should this one be any different? Your first day clothes folded, out on the chair in your closet.

The reason the chair was in the closet to start with was to allow the freedom of sitting in front of your clothes and just watch them dance. The colors, the fabrics, and the soft words most of them said.

That's how Lizzy described it anyway. To me it was just T-Shirts and pants.

"Gray you simply must let me pick out your clothes for your first day!" She had said in a cheery tone.

"Lizzy, I'm going to McLawrence Academy! I'm going to have a uniform. I mean they are all packed up and every thing!"

"But Gray!" She had pouted. Sticking her bottom lip out as far as it would go. I rolled my eyes.

"Lizzy, if you want to pick out my clothes you can. But it's not like I'm going to wear them." She then grinned, pulled a chair from my writing desk and started to touch my clothes.

After about 5 minutes I wanted to smack her, I mean my jeans were not that exciting, and no they don't fit me anymore, thank you very much.

I started to read on my bed. One of my favorite books too. Though, any book that I finished in less then two days is one of my favorites.

The plot was dull, the kids were just in a school, and the main character was aggravating in the least, but, the authors word choice was perfect.

Most times I would read a chapter or two and then get awestruck at the way she described something. It was pretty seeing those 26 letters used in such a way.

I stayed up late into the night, wanting to finish that book before school.

That was a huge mistake.


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