Chapter One

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Twelve years ago she had been rescued from death by her now adoptive mother, Jennie. Jennie was something special, a vampire.  Jennie had smelled the teenagers blood and came to investigate. She had seen her laying there covered in blood. Jennie decided that a child should not be left this way. She carried the young girl home and fed her herb drinks that helped to heal.

The alarm rang clearly over and over. The teenage girl covered her head with her blankets.

BEEP BEEP BEEP it rang again.

"Really. Stupid alarm." She said out loud slamming her fist down on top of her alarm clock. The alarm shattered but the buzzing didn't stop. Getting up from her bed she picked up the offending object she took the batteries out. Today was the first day of her senior year of high school.

"Esarosa! are you up yet? You know you have school this morning." Jennie called up to the teenage girl.

"Coming mom!" She yelled back down. Grabbing a towel Esarosa quickly showered and dressed in a pair of black track pants and a black tank top. She put in coloured contacts to hide her strange orange eyes. She feared the same treatment that she had once faced.  Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled sadly at the sight. That was one thing Esarosa hated the most, being different.

"Esarosa!" The mom yelled again.

Taking one last look in the mirror, Esarosa ran down the stairs. She was greeted by the wonderful smell of chocolate chip pancakes, her absolute favourite.

"Esarosa you haven't done anything with your hair." Jennie noted as Esarosa came into sight.

"Mom do you want to do it?" Esarosa asked her, smiling widely.

"You wouldn't mind?" Jennie asked, handing a stack of pancakes to Esarosa.

"Not at all. I love when you do my hair." She replied as She began to eat.

Jennie grinned and with her super speed she had Esarosa's hair done in seconds. It was beautifully braided and even had tiny glass flower jewels woven in.

She took a couple steps back from me and grinned. "You look absolutely beautiful." She said. Esarosa saw the sadness in her mother's eyes she hated Esarosa wearing the contacts.

"Thank you mom." Esarosa whispered, Then with a hug Esarosa headed towards the door.

"You are most welcome. Do you want to take the car to school or do you want to walk?" Jennie asked.

Esarosa looked at the clock. "Car please. I have ten minutes to get to school and I don't want to wreck your lovely job on my hair."

"Sounds good." Her mom said digging threw her purse and handing the keys over. The keys were for her mother's black mustang convertible.

"Thank you." Esarosa said surprised at the keys.

"Have a good day at school. Oh and Esarosa, I am going to be out of town for a couple of days." Jennie said with a smile. "So you can look after my baby."

"Of course I will look after her. And mom it's good that you are working again." Esarosa answered honestly.

Jennie worked as a nurse for various hospitals. She had to change hospitals every five years, because she doesn't age. She looks twenty two. Soon Esarosa would have to call her mother her older sister.

"I will miss you." Esarosa said as she have her mother another hug.

"I will miss you to." Jennie replied hugging her daughter back. Breakin the hug Jennie looked down at her watch. "You have five minutes to get to school. Or you will be late."

"Shoot. I am sorry got to go. love you." Esarosa ran out the door and hopped into her mother's car. Speeding off, Esarosa made it to school just as the bell rang. She parked the car and face palmed. "Damn late again." She said as she got out of the car and ran to her first class.


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