Chapter Seven

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Colin was furious with that stupid outcast. She had no right to tell have a say in what he has to do. And how dare she pass a punishment to an alpha. Now because of her Colin has to punish Kevin, Cody and Cody's mate.

"What are we supposed to do?" Colin asked Janine

"How am I supposed to know?" she replied. She was just as furious with what was happening. All she done was called the girl names. Occasionally she would knock Esarosa's books out of her hands.

"We didn't do anything wrong. She is an abomination." Colin said through clenched teeth.

Colin's wolf, Coby, was trying to come to the surface, he wanted to kill that little b with an itch. (B*tch)

'Calm Coby we will get our chance.' Colin said to him through their link. .
A hand was placed on Colin's knee and words were being whispered. Colin focused on the words being said "shhh shhh. It's ok baby. All will work out." Janine was whispering.

Colin and his wolf calmed down with her touch. Colin took Janine's hand in his and brought it up to his lips. "Thank you. I almost lost control. Coby wants to ripe that witches throat out."

"I know he does. Why are we in so much trouble for name calling." Janine asked curiously. "And why is Princess Aeliana involved?"

Colin was pondering that question also when the door flew open and Luna Minx stormed in. Her eyes were jet black and she looked furious.

She walked in and stomped over to Colin. She reached her hand out and wrapped it around his neck. She slammed him against the wall still holding his throat. Her anger rolled off of her in waves.

"Mmmmomm.... cccant...brrr..." Colin said gasping for breath. He heard Janine growling at her Luna however, the Luna's growls were more powerful making colin and Janine whimper.

"Why did you use a silver laced weapon?" The luna growled out.

Colin felt some of the pressure leave his throat and he took a  chance to inhale some much needed oxygen. "She is worthless. Wolves kill the weak....." Colin didn't get a chance to finish his statement before his mother's grip tightened again.

"I don't think the punishment that you were given is enough. You and Kevin will be whipped. Four lashes each two laches with out being laced with silver and the last two laced with silver. On top of that I want the punishment for the others in an hour. If I do not get a suitable punishment I will add another lashing for every hour it takes you. Do I make myself clear?" Luna Minx asked while adding a bit more pressure to her son's neck. She was going to force him to submit one way or another.

Colin bowed his head in submission. His mother won this time however, one day he will be stronger and she will regret her actions he thought.

.She looked furious and her eyes were jet black. Her eyes focused on Colin and she stomped over to him. She wrapped her hand around Colin's throat and slammed him against the wall.

Janine bobbed her head as Luna Minx growled once again. It was said that Luna Minx is the daughter of the alpha from the Moose River pack.

Luna Minx turned to Janine as her son's body fell to the floor.  "do you understand?"

Janine managed to answer a weak. "Yes Luna." The tone of voice the luna was using was making it difficult to speak.

"Good." she said as she turned and left the room.

It took a few minutes before Janine could find her strength again. And she crawled over to Colin.

"What have you gotten us into?" Janine asked him.

"It's not my fault the pathetic mutt wouldn't die." He choked out. His throat was a deep purple from his mother's grip.

"Well we better come up with a punishment soon. I fear your father won't be a kind." Janine said with a shudder. Alpha Johnson could be vicious when angry.

Colin simply nodded his head.


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