Chapter Nineteen

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Meanwhile  at the Porcupine Pack >>

Aeliana finally managed to get her dad to allow her to head back to the Porcupine pack. She was excited to see Esarosa. She wanted to tell her that they were mates. Onyx had been driving Aeliana bonkers. She was mad for not marking their mate.

The limo  pulled up in front of the huge pack house and stopped. Aeliana saw Alex coming out of the house 'he looks really sad.' Onyx said as anxiety began to form in Aeliana's stomach.

Her door opened and a hand was held out to her. Taking the  hand she climbed out thanking the limo driver.

Then she turned to Alex. "What's wrong?" She asked the future alpha.

"It's Esarosa. Come dad wants to talk to you." he said turning back towards the pack house.  The anxiety from before increased with each step. "What is wrong with Esarosa?" Aeliana asked as they walked.

"I can't tell you." He said, leading the princess to his fathers office. He knocked on the door. "Enter." They  heard.

Alex opened the door. He stepped aside and allowed Aeliana to walk inside. Inside the office was  Dr. Lowell, who looked like she had been crying. Her cheeks were streaked red.

'Onyx. Can you sense Nadia?' Aeliana asked her wolf. Onyx reached out and than whimpered 'she isn't here. and there is a lot of anger and sorrow here.' 'What do you mean?' Aeliana asked. 'Maybe you should pay attention. I think something has happened to our mate.' Onyx said, her anger rising.

Aeliana focused back on everyone. "Now that we are all here. I have some sad news." Alpha Johnson said. He paused to look at everyone gathered in his office. There was Dr. Lowell, Alex, Cody and Julia, and another male wolf, alpha Johnson and Aeliana.

Alpha Johnson cleared his throat, "Esarosa has went missing. She was last seen parking her car in the garage. Her school back pack was in the house. There was some blood but not enough to indicate a bad wound. Two of our best trackers searched for two days and couldn't find anything. All the trails stopped at the highway. All we can presume is she was put into a vehicle." Alpha Johnson paused. He looked towards the other male wolf. The male wolf nodded his head and stepped forward.

"I am Seth. I was one of the trackers. I followed three different scents. It is hard to distinguish the scents especially since the two scents with Esarosa's were Colin and Janine's. I followed the strongest of the scents, however they covered their tracks" There was several deep growls at what Seth  said.

Alpha Johnson looked at her "I am sorry Jennie. I promised you I would protect your daughter. I have failed." He said bowing his head to her. Her fangs were extended and she was shaking slightly.

"Where do you think they have taken her?." Jennie asked through clenched teeth. The tension was thick especially with an angry vampire in the room. Everyone was on guard. Even though everyone was pretty sure dr. Lowell would never hurt anyone in the room.


'My beautiful friend is gone.' Alex thought sadly as he listened to everyone. He blamed himself for her getting taken. He could have taking on his brother.

Everyone was so sad, a silence settled over them as they all silently thought what to do next. Alex decided this was the perfect time to tell everyone how he felt. Clearing his throat he caught everyone's attention. "it's all my fault. If I wouldn't have went up stairs to have a shower I would have been there to stop this from happening." He blurted out. Dr. Lowell got up and went to him. Alex bowed his head, ashamed of himself. Alpha Johnson was on edge until he watched her wrap her arms around Alex in a hug. Dr. Lowell released him from the hug and placed her hands on his cheeks she lightly wiped the tears off with her thumbs. "Alex this is not your fault. Don't you dare blame yourself. If you were there you could have been hurt. I am thankful that you are safe. We will all find Esarosa together. Don't cry, Stay strong for Esarosa. I do not blame you."

Just as she finished speaking her phone rang. She reached into her pocket taking out her phone. She checked the caller ID "with all do respect I have to answer this. Please excuse me." She bowed to Alpha Johnson as she slid her finger across the screen. "Hello." She said as she walked out the door.

"Alex I agree with Dr. Lowell, This is not your fault. Your brother isn't thinking straight right now. "

Alex wasn't convinced with everyone's words. He could have fought. Should have fought. He needed to make this all right again.


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