The Study Partner

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The Study Partner by kimberly1366.


"Do not call me Sunshine!"

"You don't like that nickname? Don't worry, I can think of other nicknames I could call you. Personally, one of my favorites is Hunnybear, but that just sounds too cute, you know?"

"Is this how you treat strangers? Do you force them to run with you by dragging them against their will whenever you're running away from security guards? And what's up with the nicknames? Do you use those with strangers too?"

"Nope, I've only done it with you, Darling."

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Andrea Bellway is a high student that has her life sorted out pretty well (at least that's what she thinks). Minus her family issues, she has great friends that cares for her, an aunt that supports her, and she is one of the smartest students at her high school. She's a logical person that likes to think about her choices and could care less about being the popular one.

Oliver Anderson is a different story, however. Getting into trouble and playing with girl's hearts is what he's known for. He loves being the center of attention, is sarcastic, and is someone who will do whatever he wants to do. Unlike Andrea, Oliver's not the brightest of the bunch, which is why he needs a tutor in order to pass his classes.

    Oliver and Andrea are opposite to one another. So how did they end up getting chase by a security guard? And what happens when Andrea is forced to become Oliver's study partner? Will their differences clash with one another? Or will it bring them together?

On-going book.

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