Chapter 3

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Caspars POV
I let Jordan look around her room and let it sink in, it must be hard to be her. This girl Sabrina said she went through a lot and she's scared of nearly everything and everyone. So that's a huge step for her to even walk into our apartment, but I wonder what happened to make her scared of these things.
We told her that we have visitors coming soon, Zoe will be here with Alfie, Troye will be here and jim will visit too. They should be here any minute so I got the camera ready for the whisper challenge for joes channel.

"Hey mate Zoe texted me that there here" Joe said bringing out the lighting. I nodded and fixed the tripod so it's the right hight. I here'd a knock on the door so a ran to the door and opened it and let them in. We had are heya and hugs and we all sat around the lounge room, we all talked about our lives then I remember something. Shit I forgot about Jordan.

"Um can we plz quite a bit down for a sec" I asked as I walked to Jordan's door, everyone looked at me weird and I knock at her door. "Who is in there?" Jim asked
I softly knocked on her door and she opened it, "hey wanna come out?" I asked. She looked behind me and instantly shut her door and locked it. I guess she's scared.

"Who was that?" Alfie asked, "we adopted a girl to live with us but she's shy" I responded. Zoe looked at Joe wired then looked at me then Joe again, she looked confused then happy "wait so I have a niece?!" She said. Joe nodded and hugged Joe then me, "I need to meet her!" She said and looked at the door. "Let's just wait a little longer and will ask again if she wants to get out" I said and sat down on a stool.

Jordan's POV
Hell no am I going out there, there's more people out there. Dose he know I'm terrified of him and the other one!?! I locked the door so they don't open it, I don't need this I wanna go back to Sabrina. It's ok Jordan your ok, your still alive your by yourself in here, this is your safe place. I disided to sit on my bed for a bit to think about things around my room to calm me down, i looked at my blue wall. It's a nice shade of blue kinda like the colour of the sky.

I was interrupted by a knock on my door, I didn't want to talk but I walked to the door and in locked it, but instead of Caspar or Joe it was a girl who was my hight. I don't know who she was and I was scared but I kept the door open waiting for her to talk. "Hey honey I'm your auntie" she said I a soft voice witch didn't scare me but I still don't trust anyone, I nodded to respond her and waited for a sign to shut the door.
"Wanna come out, I will show you who everyone is but you don't need to talk at all." She explained.

I don't know why but her voice was so calm and sweet so I kinda trusted her, so I slowly walk into the room and all eyes were on me.
"This is Alfie my boyfriend" she pointed to a boy with a beanie of that says 'excuse my hair' it looked cool. "That's Troye, he is Australian" she pointed to a boy with a. Blue jacket on. "And that's jim, he mite be tall but he is so sweet" she pointed at a tall man in the corner. I sat down at the counter next to Caspar and just listened to there conversation, they were talking about this thing called YouTube? What is that, I didn't ask since I don't like talking.

-10mins later-

"Ok Jordan, we're going to do a video is that ok if you just sit there" Joe asked, I nodded but pulled his sleeve to stop him. "What's YouTube?" I asked quietly. He looked at me weird "you don't know what YouTube is?" He asked and I shock my head. "So that's why she didn't fan girl over us when we walked into the building!" Casper said behind him "well it's our job, we post funny videos to this website called YouTube and we get paid. All of us do" he explained.

I sat out of the way when they started his video "hey guys it's Joe and I'm here with-" "Caspar lee!" "Zoe-" "zoella551425156"Joe interrupted "shut up!" "Jim" "Troye!" " and today we're doing a new challenge called 'the whisper challenge' so the rules are"

As he talks about the rules I listen to them as I try to proses what's happening, yes live entertainment!
"We have a helper as well that will help me with the words will be Jordan that's behind the camera" he looks at me with a smile "wanna say hi, you don't have to" I shake my head and he kept talking.

-after the video-

The video was so funny, I nearly peed my pants! I laughed with everyone even I had a shot and it really brought me out of my shell! Well that's what Caspar said. I made more friends and had the best time of my life!
Sadly they had to go home so we said our good byes and I hugged them and they went. Before Zoe left she hugged me and said "you are so funny, I love it how something like YouTube brings you out of your shell!" She said as she walked out the door.

Since it was 8:39 I decided to get into my pjs and go to bed, so i got on my 'wake me up when I'm a unicorn' pjs and head to bed.

Since it was 8:39 I decided to get into my pjs and go to bed, so i got on my 'wake me up when I'm a unicorn' pjs and head to bed

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I said good night to Joe and Caspar and headed straight to bed!

//hey guys! Happy Easter!
I'm so sick and I only had one small egg
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Byeeee xx//

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