He Makes Those Good Girls, Go Bad.

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'Nathanial West is a player. Plain and simple. He flirts with girls, gets what he wants then dumps them like next week’s trash, but the girls always go back for more. He uses his good looks, witty charm and the fact that he could get any girl he wanted, to his advantage. 

Elliot Johns has moved around all her life due to her mother being a famous fashion designer. She keeps to the shadows so she doesn't draw attention to herself. She's the good girl, the girl who does her homework and doesn't complain. So when Elliot catches Nate's attention, she does her best to avoid him - she's seen his type before, after all.'

Chapter one

My eyes flew across the page, my acceptance letter into Oakwood Academy. I smiled and leaned across the table to hug my mother. She grinned at me as she read over her copy. We were planning on staying in this town until I finished school, something I was beyond happy about.

"Well done, darling!" She squeezed me. "This deserves a celebration! What do you want to do? Fancy dinner? A party? How about-"

"Mum," I stopped her; I didn't want her to get her hopes up. "I want to be unknown, you know that. We discussed this already. I don't want the hassle of people knowing my mother is Amanda Johns - the next big thing in fashion."

A small, sad smile made its way onto her lips. "Sorry, I forgot. Darling, if you want to live with your father..."

"No. I'm not going to stay with him and Jason for no reason. As long as people don't find out or you go public in the next year..." I looked up at her. "Are you going public in the next year?"

"Not yet."

Amanda Johns. Next big thing in fashion. Her work has been worn by celebrities around the world. She was unknown, a shadow. Her face wasn't known but her work was, just the way she wanted. At least for now anyway.

I smiled at her and told her I was going to have a quick shower before bed. She said she was going out quickly and should be back by eleven. I skipped up the stairs with my head in the clouds. Oakwood Academy was supposed to be the best school in town, specializing in the Arts. I wasn't going to follow in my mother’s footsteps, per se. I just loved Art enough to want to study it.

"I'm going now, I'll be back soon!" My mother called up the stairs. I waited until I heard the door shut before getting in the shower; I stayed under the hot water for ten minutes before I actually started to move. A sigh escaped my lips as I heard someone ringing the doorbell.

I wrapped myself in a towel and ran into my bedroom, throwing on my PJ's for the night - shorts and an over sized t-shirt of Jason's. "Coming!" I shouted as I skipped down the stairs, running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey!" I blinked a few times at the girl with bright colored hair. "I'm Milly, I live next door." She leant backwards, rolled her eyes and stood up straight. "Sorry, my mum was staring at me, she doesn't yet realize I'm not that girl-next-door she thinks I am," she scrunched her nose up, making her silver nose ring catch the light. "Anyhow, I'm Milly, like I said; I'm your new neighbor. Welcome to town, blah, blah, blah."

I chuckled. "I'm Elliot. Nice to meet you, Milly."

"Cool name." She smiled and nodded to the bench on my porch. "Wanna talk? I don't fancy going back home anytime soon."

"Sure, why not." The sentence left my mouth before I realized that I had agreed to sit outside with a girl that looked too Goth to even be considered as a girl-next-door. "So, why does your mum label you as girl-next-door?" I asked her, hoping for her to supply most of the conversation. I wasn't the best person to talk to when you first meet me; I always ramble or barely contribute to the conversation - always one or the other.

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