Chapter three.

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Chapter three

My mind began to wander as none of the sitcom shows kept my attention for longer than ten minutes - I had seen all these episodes before. I paced the floor and thought about what I could do. Phoning my mum was out of the question at the moment, she would most likely still be working hard. I ran a hand over my face. I'm new in town but yet I have nothing to do.

At seven I decided it was time for some dinner. A quick text from my mother told me that she wouldn't be home until ten - eleven at the latest. Dinner for one on my first night of school. Great.

The doorbell echoed around the house four times until the person stopped pressing it. I slowly walked towards the hallway, who would be visiting me now? Through the stain glass window I could see big hair - Milly.

"Hey," she grinned when I opened the door. "Fancy coming out?"

"Coming out where?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe. My gaze slid pass her towards the house opposite - the person was sitting outside again. Were they outside every night?

"Just going to the mall for a while, you in?" She looked over her shoulder, rolled her eyes and looked back. A smile slipped onto her face but she said nothing.

"Okay, sure. I'll just let my mum know." She nodded and disappeared down the porch steps. I followed her movement until I couldn't see her anymore. Dialing my mum's number, I ran up the stairs planning to have a quick change over of clothes. I changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with a Smurf on it - it seemed quite warm out.

"Hey, mum, I'm going out with Milly and a few of her friends. I'll try and get back when you do, okay? Call me once you get this, bye," I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I jogged towards Milly's house and rung the doorbell.

"You must be Ellie," a woman said once she opened the door. I went to correct her on my name but Milly stepped out. "Be good, I don't want to hear a word from the neighbors that you and those reckless friends of yours have done something bad."

"'Kay, mum. See you later." Milly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her car. "That women. Sorry, I told her your name was Ellie; she has a thing about girls having..." She quickly looked towards me.

"Boys name," I smiled. "I get it. People at my other school thought it was a bit weird."

"Thank god. I didn't want to offend you or anything." A pink bubble appeared in front of her mouth then it popped. I blinked, confused to what it was, then I saw her chewing a piece of pink bubble gum. Thirty minutes later we arrived at the local mall, not sure of where to go. I bit my lip as passing teenagers looked at me - it was a small town and I was unknown. "Let's go... there!" She pointed at a clothes shop in the corner. It was black, pink and purple on the outside. Dresses were hung in the window, they were actually pretty nice.

"Sure. Why not."

Nearly forty minutes later we came out the shop with four bags. Three of them were hers. "Well," Milly rubbed her hands together. "That was the shortest amount of time I've spent in there," she grinned and pulled me towards the food court. "Let's eat. I'm starved."

"I'm surprised I brought anything - I'm a picky buyer." She raised her eyebrow but said nothing. "Isn't that Phoenix and Samuel?"

She raised her head from her menu and followed my gaze. "Hey, yeah it is!" I sank down in my chair as she stood up and started calling them over, loudly; "hey, Sam, Phoenix! Over here!"

Sam's head snapped in our direction, eyes scanning the crowd. Once he spotted us, he tugged Phoenix's sleeve until they were in front of our table. "Hello, ladies. Enjoying yourself?" I nodded when he looked at me and went back to sipping my bottle of water.

"Yeah. I even convinced her to buy a dress from Sasha's," she grinned. "What you boys doing here?"

"Game shopping," Sam said while sliding into the seat opposite me.

"Don't lie. You came here in hopes of seeing Poppy," Phoenix rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Who are you?"

I blushed and blinked a few times. "I'm, err, Elliot. I met you earlier?"

"Dude!" Sam punched Phoenix in the arm. "Sorry. His head is always in the gutters," he frowned and mouthed something to Phoenix. I didn't catch it but I saw Phoenix looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"It's okay..." An awkward silence followed shortly after. Milly kept looking at me then at the boys. "Okay. This is stupid," I grinned. "It doesn't matter that he forgot me," I shrugged.

It felt like the tension drained from the atmosphere straight after I said that. Chatter quickly picked up and soon we were laughing.


"Someone looks tired." I lifted my head off my arms and looked at Nate. "Late night?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Disgusting. No, I was trying to think of a song last night and lost track of time." I rubbed my eyes and stared, blankly, at the wall in front of me.

"You stayed up to think of a song?" He raised his eyebrows and looked shocked. "I take back what I said - you seem like a nerd," he grinned.

"Thanks... I supposed. And, yes, I-" I was cut off by a yawn. "I wish I didn't know."

We were currently sitting in music; everyone around us was working on their songs while Nate and myself were doing nothing. I could barely keep my eyes open while Nate couldn't stop staring at me.

"Stop it," I snapped after three minutes of him staring at me. He flashed me a smile, showing perfect white teeth. "Why are you staring at me like that, anyway?"

"I don't know, trying to figure you out, really."

"Well-" I stopped and looked at him. I blinked in surprise. "Well," I cleared my throat. "Stop."

"Why?" He leant forward. "Does it annoy you... or does it make you embarrassed?" He cocked his head to the side. "I bet you like the attention," he whispered close to my ear. I stiffened, what was he doing? And why the hell was my heart beating faster?

You know why... a voice taunted in the back of my mind. I scowled. Don't tell me I was going to become weird and start talking to my brain.

"You're even blushing-" He was cut off by the bell ringing. I shot out of my chair and almost ran out the door. I walked a few doors down and leant against the lockers, waiting for Milly to come out the classroom. I pretended to look in my bag as Nate walked pass with his friends, oblivious to me being right beside him.

"Hey, you alright? I've never seen someone shoot out the classroom like that," Milly appeared next to me, making me place a hand on my heart in surprise.

"Yeah... Eager for lunch, you know?" She nodded and we headed towards the lunch hall. Once we were seated with our slices of pizza, everyone turned to us and started talking.

"Don't look now, but there's a certain hottie looking our way," Poppy whispered, leaning across the table to be closer. Sam nudged her. "A didn't say he was the hottest boy here," she rolled her eyes and sat back. "Anyone know why he's looking over here?"

I peeked over my shoulder to see Nate staring directly at our table. He caught my gaze and a slow grin spread across his face. I spun round before he could see the heat rising to my cheeks. "I'm going to the music room," I managed to choke out before shoving my tray towards Milly. "Take this for me?" I didn't wait for her response; I grabbed my bag and dodged people pilling into the lunch hall as I made my way out.

Why was I feeling like this?

Maybe if I stayed in the shadows, I wouldn't have to worry - his gaze wouldn't find me if I blended into the crowd. This meant I had to avoid my brightly colored friends for just a little while. I could always sit in the music room and practice during the lunch hours...

I shook my head rapidly. What am I thinking? Hiding from a boy because he made a comment? I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. This was going to be a long week.


I uploaded today because I won't be able to do it tomorrow, so I hope you guys like it :) - worthy of a vote and comment? :D

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