Chapter two.

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Chapter two

My fingers flew across the keys of the piano. I was concentrating more than I normally would, I didn't want to mess this up - I didn't like it when people doubted my musical ability. Slowly, I ended the song. A satisfied smile made its way onto my face as I turned to the class of thirteen students, who were looking at me with tiny smiles - they accepted me, I could tell.

"Well done, Elliot." Mrs. Maine said, patting my back with a smile. "When did you learn to play like that?"

"I self-taught myself up until a year ago, then my dad helped me," I told her, standing up and going back to my spot at the back with Milly. She held her fist out; I raised my eyebrow as I knocked mine against hers. She flashed her teeth in a grin before turning back to the board.

"Okay, class," Mrs. Maine clapped her hands together and looked around. "We are going to get into groups and compose something, any song you like or a song you made up."

Chatter instantly started, Mrs. Maine rolled her eyes and sat down on the piano stall. She waited patiently for two minutes before it died down. "Done?" She smiled as everyone nodded. "I was going to let you pick your own groups," everyone cheered, "but, I thought it would be better if you were outside your comfort zone. You tend to do better that way." She picked up the class register. "Since there are fourteen students, we will have four groups of three and there will be one pair. Okay?" Everyone nodded and she began to list names off, pulling them randomly from a hat she produced from her desk. "Last but not least, Nathanial and Elliot," she smiled and gestured for us to sit at the back table. "Everyone, I want you to start writing down songs you will play for the class next week."

Milly shot me an apologetic look and went to her group, she was lucky enough to be with one of her other friends. I inwardly sighed and walked to the back table. Not even a minute later the chair next to me scraped out and Nathanial sat down. I could feel him looking at me so I turned round.

"Elliot Johns," I stuck my hand out and smiled.

"Nate West," he shook my hand with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have any songs in mind?" I shook my head and picked up a book Mrs. Maine had left on the desk. "Great, I get stuck with the one girl who doesn't work," he muttered, slipping his phone out of his jeans pocket.

"Excuse me?" I turned to face him. "I do work, thank you very much. I just don't know what song to perform with a boy that I don't even know!" I huffed and went back to flicking through the pages of the music book - everything in it was from at least ten years ago. He made a small noise and when I looked at him from the corner of my eye, I saw him turning away from me, grinning.

"Have you two thought of anything?" Mrs. Maine asked, standing in front of our desk. After a minute she looked at Nate and hit him on the head with the music book. "I'm sorry that this class gets in the way of your texting, Nathanial," she said with a sarcastic edge to her words. I hid my smile as I looked at him, playfully tutting.

"Sorry, ma’am, it won't happen again." He flashed a smile before looking at me. "No, we didn't think of a song, we can't decide what one to do," he told her truthfully. I nodded and picked up my bag, waiting for Mrs. Maine to walk away before I got my notebook out and iPod.

The bell rang fifteen minutes later, and since it was third period, lunch was next. I packed away my notebook, which now contained a list of four possible songs - all things I doubted he even liked. "See you," I nodded and walked over to Milly. "How was it, picked a song?" I asked as we made our way out the classroom, students looking at me as I walked pass them. I had managed to keep my head down all day, not attracting any attention - it was obvious people thought I was a nerd, I answered questions right when asked, I read when others spoke. Exactly what I wanted, I couldn't handle doing the whole popularity thing again, not after my last school.

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