Chapter five.

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Chapter five

Laughter echoed around us in the forest. I grinned and leant back against the tree, trying to hide myself from Phoenix. We were playing capture the flag and Phoenix was on the other team. I couldn’t miss my opportunity so I shot him - aiming for his back - with my paintball gun. I didn't expect it to hit his butt instead. Everyone was laughing because he was currently spinning around trying to find me - I didn't know how he knew, but he did.

"Elliot, come out and play," he called as he lifted his paintball gun up and slowly turned around. He had it pointed at me a second before he carried on moving. I quietly let out a breath of air before quickly running to the next tree. The person who stood besides the tree, lifted their mask, it was Phoenix's friend, and my teammate, Phil.

"Hey, Phil," I whispered. "I best be going, don't want to get shot."

"I'll distract him, go that way," he pointed towards the darker part of the trees. "There's some big rocks there, you can sit there for a minute to get your breath back before circling back round to here - hopefully, you would have lost him then." I nodded and took off in the direction he said.

Once I reached the rocks, I sat down in-between them. They were in a V shape, I was in the middle of it, and no one would be able to see me since they were playing on the other side of it. I grinned to myself as I thought over the date so far, it had been pretty good.

Who are you kidding? It's been amazing so far.

As much as I hated to agree with the voice in my head, I had to. The date had been amazing so far.

"Found you," a voice whispered in my ear. I froze. I had been so busy tiptoeing to see over the rock I hadn't heard Phoenix come up behind me – and he was stepping loudly on everything on his way, how had I not heard him? "Are you hiding from me?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I turned around to face him. My eyes widened at how close he was, his shoes were almost flush with mine, but I quickly covered up my surprise as I looked at him. "Of course," I smiled. "I don't want to be shot."

"Oh, but I have to get my revenge for you shooting me in front of everyone," he gave me a wicked smile before stepping back, getting his paintball gun ready. "Ready for this?"

"Wait," I held my hands up and stepped forward. "Let's discuss this," I stepped to the side and forward, making him walk backwards into the rock. "I was aiming for your back, not your butt," I felt my cheeks heat up, I didn't know why though - I was either hot or the smile he was giving me made my insides go funny. I preferred to think it was because I was hot…

"Okay, what do you want to discuss?" He lowered his paintball gun slightly, still giving me his amazing smile.

"I think you should let me go, no shooting me with that paint," I pointed at his gun and smiled. "It could be a... warning not to do it again."

"And why should I agree to this?"

The whole time we were talking, I was backing him into the corner of the V shaped rocks. He was leaning against the middle of the V, the smile still on his face.

"Because..." I stepped closer to him, making him take one back and hit the rock. "You're cornered," I grinned.

"But," he held his hand up with the gun in it. "I can still get you."

"But," I mimicked, leaning forward. "I can do this," I whispered as I let my lips hover over his. His eyes flicked between my own and my lips, not deciding where to look.

Kiss him, the voice in my head shouted. I smirked when his eyes landed on mine.

"Close your eyes," I whispered to him, he looked at me a moment before doing so. I grinned, about to walk away, but he looked so cute standing there with his eyes closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2011 ⏰

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