Chapter 5

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"Princess Aurora!" a voice called as Aurora began to follow the crowd of people out of the dining room. There were few people left, and the janitors were wiping off the table.

Aurora turned to see a handsome boy walking towards her. He had slightly shaggy brown hair and those really cool looking ice-blue eyes. He also wore a suit and tie.

He took her hand and planted a gentle kiss on it. "Prince Lance, at your service." He looked up, meeting her eyes. "I wanted to meet the special guest." He looked her up and down, then came back to her eyes. She didn't feel like he was looking into them, but rather at the mesmerizing swirls of color that her parents had always complimented her on.

"You're even more beautiful up close," he breathed, running his fingers through her hair. Blushing, Aurora stepped back.

"Um... I-- I should get going... I have... Uh... Stuff to do..." she turned and speed-walked off, face still red. Stuff to do?... That's the best you could think of?

She arrived in her room, closing the door behind her. Ayame was already there, straightening Aurora's bed. Ayame turned around, smile fading. "Honey, you're bright red! Did you spend the whole meal in this state?" she asked.

Aurora shrugged, the color in her face turning back to normal. "How was your first meal with all of the castle members?" Ayame said, fluffing a pillow. Aurora sat down on her blue beanbag chair.

"It was okay," she replied. "I met this really cute girl named Yana."

"Oh!" Ayame squeaked excitedly. "I know Yana! She's such a precious little girl. Yana is the daughter of one of the princes. Prince Zane," she explained. Aurora wondered how many princes and princesses there were, but did't ask.

Aurora wandered around the beautiful garden. The castle was too crowded for her. She had just met other people for the first time the other day, and still felt very shy.

"Nice, isn't it," a familiar voice said. She turned and saw Adam.

"Very! I love it out here," Aurora replied, smiling brightly.

"Come with me; I have a secret place that I can show you." He grabbed her hand and led her through the maze of flowers and statues. He then squeezed through a hole in a line of hedges.

Aurora crawled in after him, branches snagging at her dress. On the other side was a small spring that was surrounded by hedges. Sunlight shimmered on its surface and greenery grew around it.

"It's great!" Aurora exclaimed, looking at the sparkling surface. She sat down next the the water's edge, Adam beside her.

• • •

Cole sat down on the dungeon floor. He wished he could see Aurora again. She will never forget about me...

The marble-eyed soldier walked in, whom Cole had found out went by the name Phillip. He had the same cruel, crooked grin he always had.

"Enjoying yourself, demon?" he asked sarcastically. Cole ignored him, looking away. "Do you miss your mommy? Your home?" Phillip snickered.

Cole tried not to think about his old home and family. But he still missed them so much...

Phillip kicked Cole in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and putting him in pain. Phillip laughed, then turned and walked away. What happened to him that made him this way? Cole wondered crossly.

• • •

Aurora was walking back into the palace with Adam when she was approached by the king and the prince she had met earlier. Prince Lance, she remembered.

"Princess, I'm going to have my oldest son, Prince Lance, give you a tour of the castle. I was hoping that you'd be settled in enough to take a look around some more areas of the castle. It's big, so you have to take it in slowly," the king explained.

Aurora nodded. "Adam, go check the dungeon," Prince Lance ordered. Then, to the king, said, "Okay, father. I can take it from here." The two men nodded and walked away, leaving Aurora and the prince alone in the welcome room.

"You're the oldest prince?" Aurora asked, curiosity sparking. Prince Lance nodded. "So... Are you going to be the next king?"

"Yes, very soon, probably," he replied, seeming lost in thought. "This, as you know, is the main hallway," he explained as they walked through the huge hallway lined with doors and paintings.

"And now here is the hallway that should already be familiar to you," Prince Lance explained as they walked into the hallway that Aurora's bedroom was located in. She had toured the whole castle, and was ready to stop.

"This room mine," he said, motioning to a door that was pretty close to Aurora's. "How about you take me to your room?" He looked at Aurora expectantly.

"Oh... Uh, sure," she replied, heading into her room. Ayame was not there right now, so the prince and Aurora were alone.

"Nice place," the prince said, sitting on the bed. "Fit for a princess as beautiful as you." Aurora blushed. "Come sit next to me," Prince Lance invited.

Aurora awkwardly sat down. "Thanks for the tour, Prince Lance," she said.

"You don't have to be so formal around me," he told her. "Just call me Lance." He moved his hand behind her and started stroking her well-treated feathery wings. She tensed, but said nothing. She didn't want to be rude.

"How did you come here, anyways?" asked Lance, now running his hand along the spine of her wing. She could feel his hand running down it, from the base of her shoulder to the tip of the spine.

"My... My brother and I snuck out," she explained, still tense and red. "We were found unconscious after a... Well, fall. The soldiers that found us brought us here."

"What was your life like before?" Lance continued. He was now running his hand through the back of her hair, combing it. His fingers were cold.

"I... I lived in a mansion... With my brother and parents... It... It was a nice place," she stammered, face hot. She looked away, at the wall.

"What did-" to Aurora's relief, Lance's next question was cut off by the opening of the door. Her relief faded when she saw it was Ayame.

Lance moved his hand back onto his lap and watched her come in. She was holding a bunch of sheets, which she dropped when she saw Lance. Ayame's mouth fell open and she gasped.

"OH. MY. GOSH. P-Prince L-L-Lance?!" Ayame bowed. "I can't believe it! You're here, you're real!! OH MY GOSH, LANCE YOU ARE MY SPIRIT ANIMAL!!" Ayame ran forward and hugged him, making a variety of squeaking and hypervinalating noises.


Authors Note:
I just had to add this part :D

Lance shoved her off and stood up. "Uh... I should go now..." he muttered, giving Ayame a quick glare, which she didn't notice because she was too busy having a spasm on the floor.

Just like that, Lance walked out the door, closing it behind him, leaving Aurora to wonder what the heck just happened.

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