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"What took you so long?" Spence came over and took Fal's bag from Tempest.

"Coffee, sorry," Fallen laughed and he tossed her over his shoulder and walked over to the blue splattered blanket that Quint brought. Fallen almost spilled their coffees but ended up balancing it out.

"What's this about a coffee run?" Quint asked looking up from his Guys 101 book.

"We got everyone but you some" Fallen laughed as she caught her balance from Spence dropping her. Temp skipped over to her and dispersed the coffees...

"Spence, medium, hot hazelnut, extra cream, zilch on the sugar..." She bounced over to Spence who was dreaming into the clouds. "Quint, large, Mocha fudge latte. Me large, iced wild blueberry, extra extra, and Fal...medium salted caramel latte." She distributed the last of the coffees. Fallen took out her hair tie letting her flowy bleach blond and black hair fall down to her chest. She looked over to Tempest and Spencer, legs intertwined, pointing out shapes in the clouds. She walked over to Quint, sipping her latte, and took his book out of his hands them sat on his lap. She returned the book. He chuckled and went back to reading. Fallen tucked her head into his chest and his arms wrapped around her, holding his book in front of them. She looked up to his pretty brown eyes, saw his plump lips mouth the words he read.

"Will you read it to me?" she asked.

"Do I have to?" he complained, looking down at her. His hair falling right above his eyes...

"Yes," she laughed, touching his chest.

"Fine," he cleared his throat "the best way to get the man of your dreams to notice you is confidence, nothing can go wrong with confidence. Especially for a handsome boy as yourself-" she knew Quint made up that part but it didn't bother her. She loved Quint the way he was, he helped her pick out her prom dress, her bikini for the beach trip, her hair cut since 6th grade. Even now, 2nd year in college, he's her best friend. She'll never forget the day he came out to her, and neither will he.

Time hop

They were in 7th grade. Quint had brought her a bottle of black hair dye and bleach. Her parents weren't home, or even in town.

"Fal, unlock your window," he called to her from the backyard patio.

"Romeo Romeo where art thou Romeo?" she laughed as she unlocked her second story window and popped her head out.

"Send the bucket down," he smiled and he took off his satchel.

Fallen ran to the back of her room and under her bed to retrieve the bucket and 20 scarves tied together. She quickly tied the last scarf to the bucket, the red silk flying threw her hands, and hurled it out the window... Q loaded his satchel into the bucket and Fallen pulled it up into her room. She heard creaks up the side of her house as she removed the dye bottles and gloves from Q's bag. Quint's hands grasped her windowsill and he pulled himself up. He walked over to her and took her hand as they walked to her bathroom. Fallen put the toilet seat cover down and sat, ready to change everything. Her brown hair had always bugged her... Q pulled on the rubber gloves and handed Fal his iPod, she opened it with the password 2580: straight line down the center. She opened the playlist labeled Q~F and pressed play. Smells Like Teen Spirit came on first...

20 minutes into the dye job Q clears his throat, "So um...Fal-len, ther-es a big...big fa-vor I nee-d to a-sk you...." He stumbles a bit over his words.

"Anything for you Quint."

"I um, I need you to kiss me," he says, steadily. Despite the fact that he's trying to dye her hair Fallen spins around.

"What, why?" She inquires...fearing what could come next... 'Q CAN NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON ME'

"I-I think I'm gay Fal," Quint instantly started producing tears, "and I'm scared and lost and alone..." he said.

"Q, stop," Fallen wiped his tears, "you're never alone, why do you need to kiss me?" She asks looking deep into his eyes.

"I've technically never had a relationship with a girl, so I don't know...maybe I'm straight, and I'm just lonely," he said in a high speed slur. He flipped his hair, removing the strands from his puffy scarlet eyes. If Fallen were to kiss a boy she knew it would be a boy like Quint, he was cute, and sweet, and never treated her wrong. "Forget it, I'm sure I'm just overreacting," he said, "I'm done by the way." He helped her up and bent her over the sink.

"Quint...I'll kiss you," she whispered as the crisp cold water iced over her scalp.

His hands stopped, "Would you really Fallen?"

"Of course Q, I would be honored to have you be my first kiss."

"You'd be mine too," he whispered over her, washing out the dye. He let her stand once the job was done, reaching for a towel, he reluctantly broke eye contact with Fallen's amazing eyes... he wrapped her hair up with it and she slowly reached for his hand. Their fingers intertwined together as she lead him into her bedroom. She sat him on her bed and crawled over to him, never loosing eye contact, his young 14 year old face flushed to a pale white and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. Slowly Fallen's arms wrapped around his neck and their lips interlocked. Their eyes gently closed. Softly and passionately her teeth sank into his lower lip until they parted, her tongue entered his mouth and her eyes closed tighter, but Quint's eyes popped open and he pushed her face away from his. Both panting, Quint looked up and smiled. "Gay...I'm definitely gay..."

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