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I have been in Alexandria for maybe 3 months. And a new group had just arrived 2 days ago. There was a teenage boys with beautiful eyes. And he was really cute.

I have a crush on him now. I used to like Ron but not anymore. I think the new boys name is Carl. I'm not sure, but I have 'school' today so I might meet him. I drag myself out of bed and put on clean clothes. I then put on boots and my belt that doesn't hold a gun.

I am one of the few people who understands the outside world. So when the people let me in and took my gun, I kept my knife. I still do. I walked out the door and to the garage the school is kept in. I live with Enid. We are best friends. We have a lot of things in common. Both our parents died and we both understand out there. Just to name a few.

I open the door to 'school' and see about 7 kids. Carl, who was wearing a sheriffs hat, was one of them. There was an empty seat behind him. So I took that one. As I was walking in that direction, I felt Carl's eyes on me. I look at him and smile. He blushes.

I sit behind him and tap his shoulder causing him to turn around. "Hi. My name is y/n." "My name is Carl." He says shaking my hand. I then furrow my eyebrows on whether I should say something.

"What?" He questions.

"Oh nothing."

"Come on. Say it."

"Fine. You have really pretty eyes."

"Thank you. But you should see yours. They look like they hold the world in them." It took me a while to process his words. "Thank you." I say blushing.

Its been like that for a while. Carl and I sitting and complementing each other. Then one day it changed.

I woke up one morning and decided to have coffee. I grabbed the mug and poured the coffee. I then stepped outside to drink it. The morning breeze hit my cheeks.

As I was going to step farther out the door, a piece of paper fell from the door. I set down my coffee and grabbed the paper. I unfolded it and read the note out loud.

Y/n, meet me in the woods. ~ Your admirer.

My eyes widened at the word admirer. I run upstairs to change. I put on my belt and grab my knife and the gun that I stole the other day. The guards at the gate never let me out so I have to sneak out.

I start to climb the gate and then stop at the top. I checked for walkers before I jumped down. "Whoa!" I say in the air as my feet hit the hard ground. I then take off running. I began to track to find the admirer. "Hello?" I whisper yell.

After the third time calling, a tall figure comes from behind a tree. I soon come to realize its Carl. "Hi." I say. "Did you write the note?"

"Yeah. I did."


"Because your beautiful, smart, funny, and kinda shady, but that's OK because I really like you. And I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?"

Before I answer, I walk very close to him and whisper my answer.


Carl looks at me with his ocean blue orbs. "Really?" I nod while giggling. He then embraced me in a hug. Of course I hug back. "Sorry." I say. "Why?" He asks. "For being shady." A huge smile forms on Carl's face. " You don't need to be." He said as let go of the hug. "Come on let's go." Carl says grabbing my hand and running.

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion. I felt like I was in Heaven with Carl. But we were soon ripped out of Heaven and to the real world. There were over 25 walkers. "Over here!" Carl says dragging me in the other direction. We then enter a wide tree.

Are faces were only a few centimeters away. "Can I try something?" I ask. Carl nods. I then get rid of the space between us by connecting our lips together. Carl seemed to be taken by surprise because he didn't kiss back. But he soon did. He then licked my bottom lips asking for entrance. I let him have access.

He grabs my hips and pushes me closer to him. I put my hands in his tangled hair. I pull away before things get heated. "Wow." Carl said. "Your not a bad kisser." I remark. "I'm gonna kiss you again." Carl says attaching his lips to mine.

He pulled away and I instantly missed his touch. "Its clear." He says stepping out the tree. I stepped out too and grabbed his hand.

We continue wondering around in comfortable silence. Out of no where I was pushed against a tree and Carl's lips instantly attached to me. He pulls away for a second and says "I've been wanting to do that ever since I seen you."

We were making out for a while. "Jump." Carl whispers in my ear. I then wrap my legs around his waist. I then feel Carl's bulge forming. I smirk against his lips. I then try to rock my hips. Carl let out a low groan. That turned me on. I pulled away though.

"We will continue this later. I am sure people are looking for us." I say as Carl let's me down. "Anything you want princess." Those words made me melt inside.

We interlock our hands and walk back to Alexandria. We gave each other a kiss and head back to our houses. "Will I see you later?" Carl asks at last minute.


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