Chapter 2

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"Hey! Let's go explore the territory!" Bearkit suggested excitedly. "No, Featherpelt said not to go too far from the nursery," Ravenkit argued, shaking his head. "I think we should," Pantherkit said. "Two against one!" Bearkit exclaimed proudly. Ravenkit sighed. "Fine, let's go."

As the three kits started walking, they saw Treepaw walking with his mentor, Skyclaw. "Hello, Treepaw!" Ravenclaw greeted. "Hey there you three!" Treepaw replied. "Where are you going?" asked Bearkit. "We're about to go hunting," Treepaw said happily. Bearclaw looked in wonder. "I wish we could go hunting," he said in awe. Skyclaw laughed. "You will soon, don't worry. Well, we'd better leave. Goodbye you three!" he replied before turning to Treepaw. "Come Treepaw." "Okay!" Treepaw exclaimed. He meowed a quick goodbye and began following his mentor. 

The three kits began walking again. "I can't wait to be an apprentice! I'll be the best hunter and fighter in the entire clan!" Bearkit exclaimed excitedly. "I want to be a medicine cat," Ravenclaw said. "I would love to help those in need." "Well, we still have one more moon to go," Pantherclaw excitedly added. "Hey, I know! Let's go see Sunlight! Maybe I can learn about some of the herbs!" Ravenkit exclaimed. Bearkit and Pantherkit agreed, and the three began walking to the medicine den.

As they walked to the medicine den, Pantherkit asked, "Hey, did you know that all medicine cats' names always end in 'light'?" Ravenkit's eyes grew wide. "Really? Cool! That means I'll be called Ravenlight! That is, if I'm allowed to become a medicine cat." Her two brothers nodded, and after a while, they finally made it to the medicine den. They were finally about to see the medicine den for the first time.

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