chapter 11

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Alex's point of view

I walked back into the room to hear Aimee saying "Well, we aren't, I just meet him again today. But I get the feeling that maybe; just maybe we used to date. But I can't remember anything before the age of 12." 

"What happened to you that you can't remember your past?" the girl Aimee was talking to said. 

"Yeah, what made you forget everything that happened to you till you were 12?" I said noticing they didn't know that I came back into the room. 

"When did you get back in the room?" Aimee asked, shock on her face. 

"When you told her that you think maybe you I and used to date. But that isn't so important right now. So what happened that made you forget everything?" I said feeling kind of bad knowing that there was the pain in my eyes. 

"Um okay, I'll just ask you about it later," she said determined to find out if we dated. "According to my mom, when we moved to the new town, she said I cried for about a week in my new room because I missed my ex-boyfriend, whoever he is. But yeah, I cried for that week in my room with no food or water, then, when I actually left my room, I fainted while walking down the stairs looking for her. I don't remember anything before that time. I remember waking up in a hospital bed with a massive headache." She had a frown on her face.

It hurt me knowing that I am the reason for Aimee not remembering her past. Before she knew it both the other girl and I were both hugging her.

"Aimee everything will be fine. So is there anything you hate about not knowing your past?" I asked, a little worried and sad "I have a feeling that this is going to be about me." I thought to myself. 

"Um, well, it sucks not knowing who my first boyfriend was, or if I had my first kiss with him. Besides that, it just sucks that I don't know my past in general." 

"Well, you'll figure it out eventually." The other girl said with sadness in her eyes too. 

"Well this is nice and all, but can we please stop talking about me and talk about something else?" 

"Like what?" We both asked in unison. 

"Well, we can learn about each other. Like the things we like and stuff like that." 

"Okay." We said in unison. 

I had a smile on my face because she really hasn't changed at all from when we were little and dating. The other girl saw the smile that I knew Aimee wasn't paying attention to me and she mouthed "Alex, you like her don't you?"

I nodded my head and mouthed "How do you know my name?"

Before she responded something back "Oh, you guys haven't met. Tiffany, this is Alex, Alex, this is Tiffany." Aimee said gesturing to each of us as she said our names. 

"Hi Tiffany," I said. 

"Hi Alex, nice to meet you," said Tiffany. 

"Back at you," I said with a wink.

Tiffany blushed, and Aimee had a little bit of anger in her eyes.

"Aimee, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" she said with a fake smile. 

"Don't lie to me; I have known you since we were 3. I know that you are faking that smile, hell Aimee, I was your first boy- never mind." 

"My first what?" she asked curiously. 

"I'll tell you later I think we might be scaring Tiffany a little," I said, hoping to drop the subject. 

"No, no, don't you two lovebirds stop arguing because of me," Tiffany said out of nowhere. 

"Lovebirds?" Aimee asked, confused. 

"Yeah, you two are acting like a couple," Tiffany said smugly. 

"I thought I told you we weren't a couple," Aimee said. 

"Could have fooled me when you got mad because he winked at me," Tiffany said. 

"I wasn't mad," Aimee said pouting and a little hint of red on her cheeks.

"God, she is so cute." I thought.

"Yes you were Aimee, don't deny it, you like Alex," Tiffany said as if I wasn't still in the room. 

"I just meet him today, how in the world would that be possible?" 

"The heart wants what the heart wants." 

"Yeah, it does, maybe you have a small crush on me, Aimee," I said teasing her. 

"God knows I am in love with you. Please like me the slightest bit. Wow, I am that desperate. I know I like her but seriously."

There was an argument in my head for a while. Aimee and Tiffany had been talking for a while.

~5 hours later~

Tiffany, Aimee and I were still sitting in the hospital when a nurse came in and said "You guys need to leave, you shouldn't be here after 7. Visiting hours ended over 3 hours ago. So you guys need to leave, NOW." 

"Okay, okay, we're leaving." we all said.

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