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When Louis got home a few hours later, his parents didn't seem at all surprised to find their seventeen year old son at their doorstep. Nonetheless they welcomed him with open arms and warm smiles.

"What happened, lovely?" His mother asks as soon as they're seated in the living room, "Simon called us and said you've been kicked off, but I thought you haven't performed yet?"

Louis sniffles, biting his red bitten lips and wipes at his eyes pathetically.

"I...mum, please don't be mad at me, okay?" Louis says, voice hoarse from crying. Jay nods and pulls her son into a hug.

"Why would I ever be mad at you?" His sisters were all staring at him, expecting an answer. Dan was nowhere to be seen, probably working a late shift.

"I–I had...mummy, I'm sorry." He whispers before continuing, "I met someone."

Jay seemed confused as to why he was so afraid to say this. She furrowed her eyebrows and nods encouragingly.

"That's lovely, Lou, but why—"

"It was a judge. H–Harry Styles. We've been seeing each other–and they found out and they kicked me off. I'm so sorry, I—"

"Baby, calm down." Jay says, stroking his hair softly. He sniffled against her, staining her shirt with his tears.

"Y–You're not mad?" Louis asks, peeking at his mother through his hair. Jay only smiles, shaking her head.

"Now, why would I be? My baby met someone so important to him that he risked everything. Tell me about him." Louis feels relieved. He's relieved that his mum isn't disappointed, that she's not disgusted in the fact that Harry's older or that Louis' younger. It makes him feel safe.

So, that night he stays up with his family, telling them about how wonderful Harry is and how much he means to him.


Harry rolls his eyes as Simon continues to lecture him, something about decency. He doesn't listen. He fiddles with the dagger pendant on his necklace and wonders the next time he'll see Louis again.

It's only been a few hours, but God, he didn't know someone will mean this much to him. He didn't know that his heart will physically hurt when he thinks of him. He didn't know he was capable of loving this much.

"Did you hear me?" Simon asks. Harry scoffs and stands up from his bed.

"I'm going to get a drink." He mutters, leaving the bedroom without waiting for a reply.

When he reaches the kitchen, he finds Zayn sitting on the counter with a grim expression. Harry walks over to him and stands by him.

"He's my best friend." The raven haired boy says quietly. Harry sighs and nods.

"I'm sorry. This is all so fucked up."

"Amen to that." Zayn retorts and hops off the counter. It's silent as the younger lad thinks of something to say. He moves around the kitchen, grabbing some fruit then placing them back in the basket.

"Do you love him?" He asks suddenly. Harry doesn't hesitate to nod.

"Very much. It kind of surprises me how much he means to me." Harry replies, fiddling with his necklace again.

"Then don't let a bitch like Simon get in the way. Call him."

"I can't. Simon won't let me."

"To hell with Simon." Harry chuckles and nods in agreement.

"I'll let you use my phone whenever you need it." Zayn says and Harry beams at that.

"Maybe later tonight? When Simon leaves?"

"Sure thing, mate." Zayn replies. Harry thanks him and rushes to get a glass of water and head back upstairs. Simon continues to lecture him but he blocks him out quickly.

"Repeat what I just said." He says after a few minutes.

"Bullshit, bullshit, and oh, would you look at that! More bullshit!" Harry retorts. Simon huffs in annoyance.

"You're twenty-seven! Why don't you act like it?" He asks. Harry shrugs, rolling his eyes.

"Fine. I'm done here. I trust that you won't contact him anymore." Harry flips off his retreating back and waits a few minutes before making his way to Zayn's room.

The younger lad was on the phone, laughing at something the person said on the other line. He looks up when Harry walks in and smiles.

"Your knight in shining armor is here." He says and hands the phone over to Harry. Te older man takes the phone gratefully and sighs into the line.

"Hi, doll." He says.

"Harry, hi. Is it totally sad to say that I miss you?" Louis asks. Harry could hear the sadness in his voice.

"No, not at all. I miss you too. I'm sorry—"

"This wasn't your fault, H. We made our choice. Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks." Louis says. Harry chuckles and hums in agreement.

"Don't worry, babe, I'll make sure to see you soon." Harry says, smiling.

"Make good on that."

They talk for a few minutes until Harry hears Liam walking towards the room. He quickly tells Louis he loves him, promising to buy a phone to talk to him and gives the phone back to Zayn.

Liam walks into the room with a smug smile and Harry is seriously contemplating on whether to punch him or not.

"I see Lou is gone." He says, leaning against the door. Harry moves to say something when Zayn beats him to it.

"You're just jealous asshole that lives to ruin other people's lives." Zayn sneers and Liam doesn't seem affected.

"It was against the rules. He was taking advantage of a judge."

"He wasn't taking advantage of me!" Harry says, completely aggravated.

"Like you have any place to talk. You're disgusting. He's just a kid." Liam says, crossing his arms, "He's no better. Fucking gross. Such a slut."

Harry snaps.

He stalks over to Liam, gripping him by his shirt and pushing him against the wall.

"Talk shit about me all you want but don't you dare say anything about Louis." He seethes, hands twitching to break one of his bones.

Liam only laughs breathily, shaking his head.

"What are you gonna do? You can't do shit." Liam says. Harry stares at him for a moment before pushing Liam away and letting him fall to the floor.

He tells him to leave and watches his retreating figure before turning to Zayn.

"I have a horrible idea that will probably cost us both our spots here if we get caught but I feel like it's worth it?"

"Does it have anything to do with sabotaging Liam?" Zayn asks. Harry nods. The two boys smile at each other.

"The prick deserves whatever's coming to him."


*nervous laughter*

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