March 10th.

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March 10th.

Dear, Book.
        Scottie Should have entered my life earlier, I'm happier this way.
                             - Love H. xxx
Here in front of me sat the person that helped me though a lot in simple text messages, or simply a phone call. I really can't express the gratitude I have towards her because honestly the gratitude I have cannot be expressed it must be shown. I intend on showing her how much she actually means to me. One day I supposed I'll figure out how to show her and I swear I'll make it worth everything.

But currently Scottie was sat on the floor between my legs with Marvel on her lap while her little brother was sleeping in my bed. I was obviously sitting behind her playing with her hair because I had learned she loved that.

"What's something your proud of Haz?" Scottie asked out of the blue.

Taking the strands of her hair in between my fingers I thought about the things I was proud of. I'm proud of how I'm getting along with my father, I'm proud that I could finally get over the stage of depression I was having, I'm just proud I overcame every obstacle I've had to face in my life.

"I'm proud of everything Scottie." I spoke truthfully "I'm proud of getting over things, I'm proud of starting new things just everything I guess."

"You know what I'm proud of?" She said to tilting her head back so she could face me.

"What's are you proud of Scottie?"

"I'm proud that I could finally see your hair in person it's so luscious I'm jealous." She pouted causing me to laugh.

A couple days after she came on the 6th the first thing she did was put Titus to sleep then she started to braid my hair which I didn't mind at all because in all honesty I enjoy people playing with my hair too.

"Yes, be jealous of my luscious locks of beautiful hair." I ran a hand through my hair just to tease her.

She raised an eye brow "Oh I'm about to cut off those luscious locks of yours."

I got up from my seat on the couch, "your gonna have to catch me first."

I then ran for my life because I don't really know if she runs fast or not, but I'm not taking not taking any chances.

"Your so on!" I hear Scottie shout before I heard her own feet run against my wood floor.

After about half an hour of what seemed like a game of tag, Scottie and I both fell to the ground completely exhausted.

"God you run so fast." I managed to tell her in between taking breathes.

She chuckled, " I used to run a lot in high school, I guess it's just sticked with me."

I sat up with my hand to my chest, "Then I win this game because, girl I barely run."

This time she laughed and I just had to laugh right along with her.

"So have you thought about taking that job offer your dad has given you?" Scottie asked after settling down from laughing.

After much thought and much consideration, "Yes, yes I have and I've decided to go with the job."

Scottie jumped to her feet, amazingly I didn't know people could do that to be honest.

"That's great Haz, I'm happy for you!"

I got up shushing her, "thank you but Titus is sleeping keep your voice down"

"We just basically played a game of tag and your telling to sh now, boy your more confused than a jack rabbit." She shook her head.

"... What's a jack rabbit?" I couldn't help it I didn't know what it is.

"Nothing Haz nothing."

With that she engulfed me into a huge that I happily accepted.

Let me just say, that the friendship I have with Scottie now. I would never In a million years trade for another friendship, why? Because this one is one that I created myself.

And I'm also sure that she wouldn't have it any other way.

|| I know it's short but we're getting to the end and I don't want to write everything in one chapter. Much love. xx||

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