March 6th.

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March 6th.

Dear. Stupid book.
          I cannot really express how happy I am, honestly i can't put into words how happy I am today, delighted in fact I am. I seem like some high schooler that just got an A on an exam they didn't study for but honestly I don't mind. Yesterday Scottie and her brother both flew out  from The United Kingdom and I'm waiting for the call to pick her up, boy I'm just an excited human being. I wonder if I have to leave Marvel home alone ... Maybe if I put on some sunglasses and put him on a leash they'll think I'm blind ... God no that's so wrong, I'll just drive there put him in the car and roll down the windows far enough so he won't suffocate in there because that's the last thing I really need. In all today is an excited day.
                            - A happy H.
Me: Are you nervous?

Scottie: A little bit, I mean I have half an hour left on this plane and I've never really flown before, but Titus is doing well he's actually sleeping right now. God what if he starts crying and I can't calm him down. Will they throw me out of the plane, Oh my god H I'm gonna be thrown out the plane!

I chuckled already seeing how worried she was, it was kinda adorable how nervous she was. I couldn't really blame her either she's never been on a plane.

Me: Scottie you'll be fine! They can't throw you out of the plane... Or can they ;) ... I'm joking.

Scottie: -_- You know I could hit you right now.

Me: No you can't, I'm on the ground and your in the air.

Scottie: You just love to remind me of that don't you.

Me: .... Nahhhhhhh I dunno what your talking about.

Scottie: When I see you I'm gonna slap you all the way to Mars and then wave at you because your all the way at Mars and I'm on earth.

Me: You know I wouldn't be able to see you from Mars.

Scottie: Your such a dream killer.

Me: I'm your dream killer ;).

Scottie: Shut the hell up.

Me: Make me!!

Scottie: I'll turn this plane around.

Me: Ya can't do that either haha!

Scottie: Fuck you and your nice hair.

Me: My hair is fabulous girl, it's like Harry's hair.

Scottie: I love when you talk fangirl to me.

Me: Ha! I try I try.

Scottie: The lady next to me said Titus looks just like me and she's sure that I'll be a great mother.

Me: you didn't tell her he's your brother did you.

Scottie: Well...I mean .... No I didn't I couldn't she was smiling so much I just couldn't.

Me: Eh it's alright, but anyway let's get back to happy part of all this.

Scottie: *drum rolls*.

Me: You my lady are coming all this way to see me, such a gentlewomen you are.

Scottie: Literally wondering if your human.

Me: You could have just said the joke was bad Jesus.

Scottie: What fun would that be though?

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