Prologue - part 1 The Beginning

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Coming in the front door from her morning ride Andrea smiled at the butler, she had known him all her life and looking at him now she took in his greying hair that was thinning out, the extra wrinkles on his aging face and his clear grey eyes and she noted to herself that it would not be many more years before he would be pensioned off. Pushing this thought to the back of her mind she greeted him, "Good morning Burgess."

"Morning milady," Burgess replied as he closed the door as she walked into the foyer the heels of her riding boots clicking on the black and white tiles that covered the floor.

"And how is everyone today? All the staff are well?" Andy enquired.

"Very well miss, no complaints today." Burgess smiled at the young lady of the house thinking that she was a very pleasant young woman. Andrea her rose hued riding habit swishing about her legs was on her way to the staircase, when she heard Burgess' voice calling after her.

"Milady, wait."

"Yes, what is it?" Andrea stopped and turned to the butler, it was not like him to forget something.

"I almost forgot, her ladyship is looking for you."

"Thank you. Do you know where I might find her?"

"I believe she was in the blue drawing room."

"Right. Can you send Rachel to me, I would like to change first." Once again she started for the stairs, as she was climbing she wondered what her mother could want. She knew about her morning rides on Starburst, so it must be important for her to have asked the butler where she was. The clock in the hall was not quite ten, so her mother must have been up early herself, as normally Andrea never saw her before eleven, a deplorable habit her mother had picked up when she was young and living in London, a habit that Andy had never understood. Reaching the second landing she headed for her room. Opening the door she entered, taking off her riding hat as she went and unbuttoning her rose hued jacket, she discarded both onto her bed.

She didn't have long to wait for her maid to appear and help her out of the rest of her riding habit, "what shall ye wear today then, miss?" Rachel asked.

"The yellow morning dress, I think." Andrea replied. "Oh, it's so good to be out of that habit, but I do love riding, maybe mama will let me order a new one, one a little looser." For it had seemed an age since she had ordered a habit, her current one year old and a little bit tight. Andy didn't see the point in new clothes when her armoire was already bursting with them. But she needed a new riding habit she decided.

Rachel went to find the dress for her mistress and was back in only a short amount of time holding out the simple yellow dress of sprigged muslin, with little puffed sleeves and a neckline that reached the base of her neck, the skirt of the dress falling from under her bust, a boarder of small embroidered flowers gracing the hem of the gown. Andrea let herself be dressed and then sat for her hair to be done. "Just a simple coiffure please. I must speak with mama."

"Yes miss," Rachel set to work brushing out Andrea's chestnut locks and then braiding it before arranging it into a bun and pining it in place and tying a matching yellow ribbon around it. "All done," Rachel said as she stepped back to allow Andrea to get up.

"Perfect." Rising, Andrea thanked her maid and left the room. Rachel then set to work tiding and putting away her mistress's things.


Entering the blue drawing room Andrea spied her mother seated on the blue and white stripped settee working at her embroidery. She was wearing a half dress of deep blue silk shot with white, her chestnut hair so similar to her own, except for the few streaks of grey that could be seen, was done up in a neat bun at the nap of her neck and covered with a white lace cap. Her mama was still as beautiful as ever, and ready for any unexpected guests, Andrea thought. The years had been kind to her, she had married a little later than the other girls her age, knowing that with her wealth she could wait. And so she had and it was to a man she knew she could both love and respect.

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