The signs as old people

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I didn't mean to offend by old I just didn't know what to call it

Aries: Stalks people online pretending to be young
Taurus: Is with Aries
Gemini: Watching all the new anime
Cancer: Isn't as emotional as younger self
Leo: Sings old hippity hoppity songs no one knows about
Virgo: Still try's to do things that they did when they were younger but fails
Libra: "Get off my lawn D:<"
Scorpio: "Get off my lawn! >:D"
Sagittarius: Steals Pisces cookies
Capricorn: Prankster
Aquarius: Likes all the new fandoms
Pisces: Gives out free cookies to old people

Zodiac signs book #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora