Aries (Aries) creative
Tauro (Taurus)
Géminis (Gemini)
Cáncer (Cancer)
Leo (Leo) creative
Virgo (Virgo) also creative
Libra (Libra) 2creative4me
Escorpio (Scorpio) e for umm... elephant
Sagitarios (Sagittarius)
Capricornio (Capricorn) let's add a io on the end :3
Acuario (Aquarius)
Piscis (Pisces)
Zodiac signs book #1
De TodoFrom Taurus to Scorpio,explore the zodiacs feelings and nature and how they (may) act.Stalk your crush,see if something is like you or hate the words I wrote.I take negative comments and make them into positives because criticism is good :D. I made...