If i were to kill myself tonight, i would do it to get into hell
And from that eternal consuming state I'd wander 3,000 feet below your toes
And that, to me
Is the apotheosis of everything I couldn't say
Because you weren't ready to hear it
Or maybe because i fear rejection
And showing nothing means feeling nothing
I wish i could mutter the words
To bring you back
To have you crawling from under my bed
And finally realize you were the monster in my head
The idyll in my dreams
The reason i've turned into an insomniac sleep walker
A wrecked lifeless being
Who later took this nothingness and despair
And transformed it into poetry
With which i hoped i could make you mine
And force you to remain in our realm
Built on demons and sleepless nights
And inner peace
To get by.---- Vlada Bunescu
Digital Photography by; Flòra Borsi
•/p ò e m s/•
Poetrya pòem/ poiēma is a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure. it is something that ar...