Chapter 2

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I try to be quiet as possible while my body slowly moves through the woods that goes around the open land!

I look to my right to see if Merlin still is there, and he is! Slowly he is making his way back to the castle of Camelot.

I shouldn't be following him! But every bone in my body is walking after him! I try to stop and take my arms around a tree that just came into my sight.

It's burns!! My skin is bleeding, because the wood is cutting into it! The pain comes to a point where I just let go and fall on the ground!

'Get up!' The sound of someone speaking in my head. The voice sounded angry. And I could recognize that voice everywhere I go.

The most loveliest witch of them all (note the sarcasm )

'Get up'

'Please don't make me do this!'

'You can only blame yourself for this, girl!'

I don't answer, because I know it's true.  I do as I'm told and get up on my feet. And I finally have control over my own body!

It's dark and I have no other choice, but to hide in Camelot!

Last time I was here Merlin took care of me and hid me in one of the dungeons under the castle. I still remember the path that led to the door that goes into the dungeon. No one will recognize me, since the only form they saw me in was my cat looking creature.
And hopefully they won't notice that I'm a druid girl either.

There is one thing that I haven't thought of when I get to the door.

It's locked! Wow, Morgana my have stole the control over my body, but I didn't know that she stole my brain too!

Merlin told me that the door always was locked, cause if they didn't lock it everyone who wanted to come into Camelot without being noticed would do it. And they would succeed too.

The only way I know of now is the gates. Where is the most guarded place in Camelot... Great.

I walk slowly towards the doors and I can almost see them! My arms hurt so freakin much and my legs are tired and I'm tired..

Right now everything sucks.

I make it to the doors and I can hear guards shout on me to go to them.

Not wanting to cause any trouble I do as I'm told. One of them I can see is a knight.

"Who are you?" The knight asks me and his voice is kind. He can probably see that I'm hurt. And I have always known that Camelot is a place filled with kind and caring people.

The knight isn't the most tallest person I have seen. He is almost the same height as me. He is dark in the skin and have kind brown eyes.

"I'm Freya." I almost can't recognize my own voice when I speak. My throat hurts so much that it make my voice crack all the time.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need a place to stay over night."

"I think we are going to send you to our court physician! We need to get those wounds of yours checked and cleaned!"

"Wait! Please tell me your name!"

"It's Elyan"

The Unwanted EnemyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin