(10) I Need Your Help

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I found an idea. Nah, it just popped up in my brain, right after I asked for suggestions! Anyway, don't feel bad if you were actually developing some kind of plot for me, coz you can still comment! And maybe I would see your ideas and add it in the plot!

Also, I've managed to number my chapters and name it at the same time. You know, the (not so) awesome person in me XD.

After reading the letter from who I assumed was Cass and was most probably Cass, my legs buckled. Why would that stupid book have to land on MY hands? God, fate could have picked somebody WAY better than me. I rushed home, trying to ignore everything I just read in the letter Cass was coming. TROUBLE was coming. I was in mortal peril, right here, right now. A sense of calm washed over me. I was going to die, defending a book with worthless secrets--or WERE they worthless?

I plopped onto my bed with the book in my hands. Maybe there was something here with "Ciphers" on it. Maybe I could use that piece of information against Cass and Caesar! Assuming they were the bad guys (and they most probably are.)

I turned through the pages, and I realized the book contained lots of information. What were these things? Gremloblins, and.. the "Hide-Behind??" What kind of creatures were those? Truth-Telling teeth? Wha-what is this sorcery!? I shook my head at the things I just saw. That was probably why Cass wanted the book so much. The book.. I could FEEL its aura against my skin! Cass wanted power. But that doesn't make any sense! She already HAS power! I leafed through the remaining pages. And on the last page, just before the blank ones, was a scruffy drawing of a black tringle in what looked like a top hat and a ribbon.

At the bottom, scribbled in red ink was a DO NOT SUMMON AT ALL COSTS warning. My eyes widened when I read what it was:"Bill Cipher."
"C-Cipher.." I muttered."Th-that must be--he-he must be--"
"Powerful?" Another voice interrupted,"you bet. Tricky and clever? You got that right. But caring and lovable? Nuh-uh."
I turned around and my heart beat rapidly with fear. How had SHE gotten here? I didn't even hear the door open!
"C-cass.." I said."Wh-what are you--"
"No time to explain, Kiera. I'm in a hurry." Cass said.
"Well," I said,"If you can handle your problems yourself , then you didn't have to stay here! You weren't even INVITED to drop by!"
Anger gleamed in Cass's eyes, but she supressed her emotions very skillfully."Don't make me angry."
"You already are."
"Do you want me to exert all of my anger on you?"
"Why did you come here?"
"I need your help."

The Son Of The Ciphers [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now