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~???'s POV~

"Gah, where is it?" A man in glasses and a filthy labcoat said, digging under piles of paperwork.
"Where's what?" Another voice asked. It was probably his apprentice. And his apprentice was barely 13 years old! The boy fixed his blue pine tree hat on his head."Maybe I could help."
"No solving this one, Dipper!" A cheerful voice echoed through the stairs, which was Mabel's voice.
"And why is that?" The guy named Dipper scoffed.
"Uh.." Mabel rubbed her temples trying to think."Uh--"
"See? You can't even think of a reason!" Dipper snapped.
"Stop it, you two!" The man sneered,"I'm looking for Journal # 3. Did you see it?"
"I gave it to Grunkle Stan," Dipper said,"He said he needed to check something out."

~•~•When they reached Stan..•~•~

"WHAT?" Dipper screeched,"WHY would you do that??!"
"Look, kid, I'm building a life here," Stan said,"And to build it, I need some cash! So I sold it, and for a very high price, if I may add."
"No, no, no, you may NOT add!" Dipper snapped."To whom did you give it to?"
"Some clueless antique bookstore owner," Stan muttered."She was clueless, alright. And so is her daughter, probably."
"D-did you get the address of the bookshop?"
Stan fished a small card from his pocket and handed it to Dipper."I did. Coz she told me that if I needed anything I would just--"
"Bye Grunkle Stan!!" The two kids screamed, waving bus tickets to the next town: Roseville, Oregon.
"Kids." Stan huffed, then went back to the shack.

"Where are they going?" Ford asked suspiciously."You didn't send them home, did you? They love it here!"
"No I didn't," Stan said,"Although I'd love to. Anyway, they're going to Roseville."
Ford nodded."Ah, the neighboring town. I think I may have to go with them. The peope there can be a little.. intimidating..."


Before Mabel and Dipper could hop onto the bus, someone grabbed Dipper by the vest.
"What the--Grunkle Ford??" Dipper said,"What are you--"
"I'm coming with you." Ford said,"Besides, I'm the one who made that book anyway. Let's go."
Tourists eyed the six-fingered man carefully, and they were probably wondering why he was herding twins with no wife. Eh, life today.

The Son Of The Ciphers [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now