(13) Bandits and a Hot Cup o' Tea XD

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"Be careful, Dipper.." Ford warned,"People here can be.. weird."
"I'm sure Gravity Falls is weirder," Dipper muttered as they walked down what they assumed was the path to a nearby hotel.
They didn't know that they were walking into a bandit gang's lair. Suddenly, rocks and sticks started flying everywhere, bandits throwing it at them from all places. Mabel blacked out, Ford hit his head on a rock, and Dipper got hit with a fairly large rock and fainted (AGAIN with dat epic fainting).
Dipper could only hear watery voices of the bandits as he drifted off into.. sleep..

"Uh.. Where are we?" Dipper said, rubbing his head, then realized he was being carried by Ford."Uncle Ford? What are you--"
"We were robbed," Ford said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"B-but how are we gonna--"
"May fate have mercy on us all," Ford muttered.
The nearest house was a few steps away, and they decided to seek for help.
Ding-dong! Dipper rang the doorbell sleepily. The door creaked open, and a woman--probably in her mid-40s--stepped out.

Her eyes widened with surprise--or something else.. Was that concern??
"Oh, my!!" She exclaimed, clamping her hand over her mouth with shock."Wh-whatever happened to you, dearies? Come in, come in!"

Soon, Dipper and Mabel got settled, and so did Ford. They soon learned that the lady's name was Rita, and she had been taking care of her grandchild ever since its mother disappeared a week ago, and the dad went abroad.
"So..You're all alone?" Ford asked.
"No. My niece is upstairs! If you wanna visit her, you can.. She's just a little.. peculiar.." Rita said kindly.
"Oh, boy!!" Mabel screamed with glee,"FRIENDS!!"
She dashed up the stairs.

Dipper rolled his eyes. His sister always wanted friends no matter where she went. He was sure he would hear joyful screaming.
He muttered,"Three.. Two..O--"
"AHHHHHHHH!!" Mabel's NOT-joyful scream filled the room.
"MABEL!!" Dipper screamed.
Ford stood from his chair."What's up there? Why did Mabel scream?"
"I-I don't know!" Rita stuttered,"M-my niece is there, with--"
Too late, the newcomers had already ran up the stairs.


•~Up The Stairs...~•

"W-what..?" Dipper said as he peeked through the door.
Mabel was cowered in a corner, shivering.

"They're-they're both--" Mabel's voice broke.
"They're not dead, Mabel." Ford assured her,"they both fainted. We need a way to solve this problem."

One of the girls jolted up with a start."Who are you?"
The other girl fell off the bed, and woke up with a snort."H-huh? O-oh. Are you a visitor?"
"Yes, we are."Dipper muttered."Now, could you explain..this?"
"Well, SHE asked help from me." The girl who fell off the bed said, rolling her eyes and pointing at the other girl.
"Because," The other girl said, a fierce glow in her eyes, literally, "I just battled a son of Bill Cipher."

The Son Of The Ciphers [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now