8 | Innocence♤

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Bringing her pale hand to her mouth Nakoto covered her asthmatic cough. The sound was muffled but still audible as it carried across the room, bringing the attention of all those in the club.

"Nakoto are you okay? You've been coughing a lot lately."

Turning her head, Nakoto gave a small weak nod before continuing on with a loud hack.

"Wait Nakoto! Are you sick! Oh God! Maybe it's contagious! We can't have that hurry you have to go to the nurse!" with excitement and eagerness, the loud blonde than grabbed Nakoto's hand and then ran in a frantic order to get her to the nurse.

"Tamaki!!" Haruhi yelled.

Quickly Nakoto tried her best to keep up with the hyper blonde as she was dragged forward. Resisting as best she could, the blonde kept a tight grip on Nakoto's wrist, forcing her down the halls and into the small clinic of the school. The room itself was huge, although the size didn't compare to those of the classrooms and hallways.

The nurse, sat at a large wooden desk, her right hand on the mouse of a large computer, her other hand was holding a small coffee mug. The steaming hot beverage was almost half way empty. Her eyes glared at her computer before she absent-mindedly took a small sip of her sugarless coffee.

"Miss Amori!" Tamaki yelled. His voice echoed across the room as every pair of eyes in the nursing clinic turned over to the tall blonde and his miserable looking friend.

The nurse, hair as brown as trees and eyes as blue as the morning sky, scowled at the two. Her fingers now tightening against the glass mug that the principal had gotten her as a cheap measly birthday present.

"Suoh Tamaki!" She yelled loudly. Miss Amori pressed her fingers over the bridge of her nose as a poor attempt to clear a newly born headache. "How many times must I tell you. You cannot barge into places and start screaming at the top of your lungs."

Eyes beginning to water, Tamaki pouted. Hoping to get some pity from the nurse, all Tamaki received was an exasperated sigh and a disappointing shake of the head.

"But Miss Amori, Nakoto is sick!"

Miss Amori opened her mouth to respond but was suddenly interrupted by a very annoyed Nakoto.

Her voice came out in a squeamish whisper, "I'm not sick."

Startled by her small outburst, the nurse paused for a moment. The pause created an awkward silence that Tamaki of course needed to end.

"Yeah a-huh." He snorted as he sarcastically rolled his eyes, "Then why have you been coughing so much recently?" he glanced at Nakoto expecting her silence but was surprised when she actually replied.

"Allergies." She plainly stated.

The nurse sighed before taking in a deep breath and grew a forced smile on her face. "Alright honey, let's just make sure. Can you open your mouth for me?"

Nakoto hesitated after hearing this. Trying to come up with some excuse, Nakoto looked at Tamaki for some back up but was left empty handed when he nodded toward Miss Amori.

Slowly, Nakoto shuffled her feet toward the nurse, her eyes roaming around the room nervously. Miss Amori smiled encouragingly before grabbing a small wooden stick.

"Open wide honey."

As soon as Nakoto opened her mouth, she began coughing a deep furious tune and quickly turned her head and covered her mouth with her hands. Nakoto's whole face burned a fiery red and full of embarrassment, she flew fast out of the nurses's office, leaving behind an exasperated nurse and a wide-eyed Tamaki.

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