I Beat You Again! *Chapter Five*

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Why can't I have a normal crush? The ones where your stomach flips and heart is practically pounding out of your chest? But no, I was cursed with the feelings of sweaty palms, rapid heart beating and dizziness. Like why the hell can't I be normal? It's completely unfair, Perrie probably doesn't have to feel this when she's around Zayn. I envy her so much it hurts, it hurts to think she has everything he's looking for. She's an apple, she's appealing and sweet yet can be sour. Where I'm an orange, not that attractive but yummy or can be bitter. I shouldn't be referring myself nor Perrie as fruits, but I can't think of anything else to example to how we are inside and out. We're both equally different. Ofcourse I'm not ugly, or horrible looking. I would consider my self pretty at the most. I'm not super model gorgous or barbie perfect. I hate to sound like I'm bringing myself down, but just seeing Perrie makes me wrinkle inside. I feel like a plum and she's a peach. Okay I'm done with the fruit things, how about she's a cupcake and I'm a muffin? I'll stop.

I was scrolling through instagram looking at beauty products that recently came out. Bored, I huffed and opened twitter.

@ZaynMalik: Spending time with my beautiful girlfriend love you babe :) x

I rolled my eyes and closed the tab right away. It's like he's haunting me or doing this intentionally.

"I hate you Zayn Malik," I whisper under my breath. I automatically regret saying that. Okay fine, I hate my feelings.


"Mmm," I moan as I bite into the delicious banana bread.

"You are crazy," Zayn chuckled as he bit into his aswell.

"I don't joke around about my food," I said, in all seriousness.

"I can see, it's got you moaning," He winked, bumping my shoulder playfully. My breath hitched but I returned to normal after a second.

"Oh god," I laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"So, you up for a quick game of black ops?" He looked at me a devilish smirk carving into his soft, pink lips. His lips are exactly like the bottom of a newborn puppies paw. Pink, soft and cute, all of that applys to his amazingly attractive mouth. Or should I say amaZAYngly.

Okay sorry I'll stop.

"Sure when am I not?" I asked getting competitive.

"Well what're you waiting for?" He stood up at the same time I darted towards the xbox 360.

"I'm player one!" I exclaim as I took the controller and set up the game. It was just Zayn, Liam and I in the house. The rest went out clubbing and wouldn't be back for a while. Liam was upstairs taking a nap leaving Zayn and I alone downstairs. Alone. That word repeated in my head constantly. I don't know how I haven't managed to faint yet. It's a world record everybody! Not literally. I'm just surprised my body hasn't gone into shock at how cool and chill he is around me while I'm just putty in his hands.


"I win again!" I say jumping up from the couch and cheering. I shake my butt as Zayn stares in amusement.

"Nice ass," He smirks.

"Oh this?" I arch my back a little and do a little hip shake.

"Yeah," He licks his lower lip making an instant heat rush flow throughout my body. I stop and turn back around, blushing a madly deep red.

"You sure blush a lot," He chuckles breaking the edgy silence. "It's cute though."

I'm pretty positive he heard my heart beating like a rhinoserous. My breath seemed to have got caught in my throat as I felt my fingers get sweaty, which was loosening the grip on my controller. I tryed to catch the some how lost breath and let my now dry mouth salivate back. It worked for a second til he opened his god damn mouth once again.

"Then again everything about you seems cute," His eyes glisten with something I've never seen in his always differented shaded hazel nut eyes. It looked like passion, lust, care and maybe even want? I mentally ripped my throat out for ever thinking that. The day Zayn Malik falls in love with me is the day Miley Cyrus will stop twirking. And she most definitely will be twerking in her rocking chair when she's seventy years old.

But that didn't stop my heart from practically jumping out of my chest and onto the white carpet. It didn't stop my breath from skipping by my mouth and reaching my brain. It didn't stop my palms from feeling like tons and tons of cheap lotion was piled into them. No, instead it made it much worse. Zayn Malik said everything about me seems cute. Not just one thing, but EVERY god damn THING. But he also only said cute, which could mean multiple things. A sisterly kind of cute? A friendly kind of cute? Or a crush kind of cute. I'll go with friendly, he could never possibly have a crush on Chloe Rivers. Never.

"Are you okay?" His eyes glanced down to my now clenched fists.

"Oh sorry, I was just uh thinking." I mumbled.

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