Sobbing Through Night *Chapter Twenty Seven*

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"Louis!" I yell as I push him off of me.

"Shit." He ran his fingers through his hair for the billionth time.

"You can't just do that!" I whisper-scream.

"I know, don't tell Zayn please?" He said worriedly.

"What?" I crinkled my nose. "You want me to live my relationship in dishonesty?"

"No ofcourse not!" He said grabbing my shoulder.

"Please don't touch me," I shook his hands off.

"Chloe look, it was a mistake." He said sighing.

"I understand that Lou, but I can't just lie." I say.

"I know..," He half-heartedly smiled when I called him Lou.

"I don't know what to do," I was now the one running my fingers through my soft hair. I know it's not good to, as it could cause grease but right now I could cared less.

"Look," He said rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll tell him myself."

"I'll," I pause for a second biting my upper lip. "I'll come with you."

"Thanks," He mumbled and we both opened the bedroom door and sauntered down stairs. I caught eye contact with Zayn but quickly looked away.

"Zayn, mate." Louis said coming face to face with him.

"Hmm?" Zayn hummed oblivious to what just happened back upstairs.

"I kissed Chloe," Louis breathed out, slumping his shoulders.

"You what?" Zayn searched his eyes and clenched his fists. We all stood watching as it all unfolded. His caramel eyes met mine and a look of hurt and sadness washed over it. "I need to think," Zayn said and bolted upstairs, causing a slam after a few long seconds.

"He hates me," I crumpled to the floor and sobbed into my eyes. I've never cheated before. Well I didn't necassarily cheat, Louis kissed me but I could've pushed him off before he got to close. I understand how hard this is for Zayn especially since Perrie and all.

"Shh he doesn't hate you," Harry came to my side and hugged me. "He just needs some time,"

"But that's it Harry, you all don't understand how much this possibly hurt him!" I say half- yelling. I didn't mean to come off all moody but I was hurt that I hurt Zayn, if that makes sense.

"He will get over it," Liam assured.

"It's not that easy after Perrie," I shook my head.

"Perrie cheated by having sex with his best mate, Louis kissed you." Niall said.

"It's much worse," I shook my head staring at the couch.

"What else did she do?" Louis asked curiously.

"Nothing," I shook my head averting my eyes to my feet. "I'm going to go talk to him," I bite my lip and slowly take steps up the stairs. I shuffle to his bedroom door, I knocked feeling de ju vu.

No answer.

I knocked once more, but there was still no reply. Sighing, I slid down the door and brought my knees up to my chest.

And that's how I fell asleep.


I let out a small scream as the wall behind me fell.

Oh wait no.

I fell asleep on Zayn's door and he must've opened it. I opened my eyes and I was laying on my back looking up at Zayn.

"Chloe?" He said, his eyes a little puffy and his normally perfect hair going in all different directions.

"Zayn," I breathed not moving but still staring.

"Did you sleep here all night?" his voice as soft as velvet. I nodded, brushing my hair out of my face. He kneeled down and sat on his legs. He let a small smile appear on his delicious lips as he never broke eye contact, not once. He cupped my slightly puffy cheeks from crying. I now realized he was staring at my tear stained face. Not saying a word, he leaned down and kissed the dry tears. I squeezed my eyes shut, relieved by his touch. Soon enough, I felt his lips connect with mine. It was the most amazing kiss I've ever experienced. I was upside down to him, our lips feeling different but in a good way. Slowly, I brought my hands up to his face trying as best as I could to bring him any closer to me. He pulled away after a few long moments. He smiled fully now as I returned it.

"I'm sorry I reacted like that," He whispered.

"I'm sorry for what happened," I apologized. Our eyes were still in lock.

"Shh, it wasn't your fault." he shushed me as he played with my loose locks from my crappy hair style I called a pony tail.

I wanted to savor this moment forever and ever.


Yay they're better now! Sigh. This has ben the most commited book I've ever made. Like I told you guys before I have commitement issues which keeps it really hard to make a book. I've never gotten past fourteen chapters before, and this prooved to me that I can do it. I just want to thank all the people who take time to read this because you guys are an inspiration. I don't care if I get watty awards or not, I'm happy with having ten people read it. As long as I know someones reading it, it encourages me.

So I really do love you all.

Comment/vote? I want to read what you think<3

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